CH. 30 ~ News

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3rd person P.O.V.


The sound of her pastel pink heels clicking on freshly-waxed tile floors echoes across the hall. Steadily, she makes her way to the room that lies at the other end of this seemingly endless hall, the "Throne Room" as most people who live here call it. She stops abruptly in front of the large metal doors separating her from whatever is going down on the other side of these beautifully adorned doors. She looks down at herself taking in the gorgeous pink gown that matches her heels. It has multiple tiny flowers made of a certain fabric sewn into the top half and spread across the skirt part of the dress. She had found it in Sun-Mi's large closet of beautiful gowns, feeling a pang of jealousy at the fact that her step-sister could have ever owned such a delicate thing.

 She had found it in Sun-Mi's large closet of beautiful gowns, feeling a pang of jealousy at the fact that her step-sister could have ever owned such a delicate thing

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Just the thought of her step-sister makes her wanna gag. Her face contorts into a scowl. Sun-Mi was always favored by her father, never understanding quite why. SHE was the one who would inherit the kingdom, not Sun-Mi. She scoffs at the idea of Sun-Mi being queen but for some reason, she can't help but feel pity for the baby blue-haired girl she's lived with for almost half of her life. In fact, she still remembers the timid little girl that appeared on that summer's evening, clinging onto one of the servant's shawls out of fear of this new setting she was being shoved into. The child's stormy blue-gray eyes peering from around the servant and connecting with her own. The same eyes that she would see blood-shot and frightened as life leaves Chanyeol's limp body, slumped on top of Sun-Mi's shaking frame.

She pushes those memories out of her head, snapping her head up in the direction of the doors in front of her after hearing a loud crash coming from inside. Quickly, she opens the doors and steps inside, surveying the room to see Sehun struggling to get up at one side of the room. A vase is broken next to him, lying in millions of tiny pieces ready to cut into him if he isn't careful of where he places his hands. Her mother had sent for her but she didn't know why. In all honesty, ever since Sun-Mi left the castle, the Queen has been in distress.

"Ji-Eun," Her mother acknowledges her from her throne, looking as elegant and collected as always, although there's an edge to her voice. Ji-Eun walks forward warily, keeping her vision trained on Sehun, only glancing at her mother here and there. "Oh my, you look beautiful, darling. Where did you get that dress?" She stiffens up, knowing that her mother would bash her for wearing one of Sun-Mi's dresses, so she forces herself to lie through her teeth.

"I bought it when I went to the boutique yesterday," She tells her, earning an approving nod from her mother. "Mother," she begins after a small pause, "What happened to Sehun? Why is he sprawled on the floor like that?" The Queen's vision narrows down on the prince of Illoriant who's already recovered from whatever happened to him. She gives a tight-lipped smile to Ji-Eun before beckoning her over.

"Why don't you come over and sit on your father's throne next to me, hm? I think you should hear what he has to say." Ji-Eun found it a bit strange that her mother is acting this way but sits next to her nevertheless. "Now, Sehun, you were saying?" He shuffles over to stand in front of both the Queen and Ji-Eun, standing as straight as he can muster without hurting himself further. He continues talking about whatever was being discussed, clearing his throat before he starts.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now