CH. 9 ~ Island

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3rd Person P.O.V. ~

After several painstakingly slow minutes, she finally made it to the safety of the forecastle deck. If it wasn't for all the people who had to see her panic attack halfway down she would've kissed the floorboards. She was terrified that she would fall to her death as she clung onto Wooyoung for dear life. She was informed by Yeosang that after Mingi chased her up the foremast, Seonghwa came out to check up on the commotion and found a bleeding Mingi yelling curses at her from below. Seonghwa tried to treat his nose but to no avail. So, he went after Yeosang, who then dragged the captain out, who then decided to just call for Sun-Mi's medical knowledge, which brings her to her death place. Behind the doors of the sickbay which should've have been her sleeping place. Why you may ask? Well, the man whose nose she broke is behind those doors and he will not be happy once he sees who's treating him.

"Look again I'm so sorry I didn't tell you beforehand. I feel like this is all my fault because I didn't warn you and--"

"Calm down, Seonghwa! I understand and for the hundredth time I'm not mad at you!" Sun-Mi reassures the raven-haired male leading her to Mingi.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" She answers exasperated.

"Ok then, Are you sure you don't want me to be in there with you?" She looks down sadly at the handkerchief in her hands. After finding out about its significance from Wooyoung she's felt so terrible for being so selfish about it. She never once stopped to think about what it's value could be to Mingi.

"I'm sure. I... want to talk to him privately." Seonghwa nods squeezing her shoulders lightly before leaving. She turns to the doors of the sickbay and takes a quick breath as she opens them and steps inside. As soon as she steps inside she catches a glimpse of Mingi's state as he sits on one of the cots. He glares at her sharply with such intensity she feels like she might be pierced by his stare. Silently she makes her way over to him, concealing any anxiousness.

"Sit over here," She commands patting the desk in between the two cots in the room. Without complaining he moves over to the desk and hops on it as she prepares everything she'll need. Seonghwa had already brought her the supplies she needed so she didn't have to do much. She set everything down on the same table he's sitting on. "Did Seonghwa stop the bleeding?" she asks.

"No," Sun-Mi nods picking up the cloth and standing in front of him. "May I?" he nods and she steps closer to him reaching up to his nose. The second she presses the cloth onto his nose, he winces jerking his head away. She tries a couple more times but he does the same thing which begins to irritate her. "Stop moving so much," she orders as she sandwiches herself between his legs getting closer access to his full face. He backs away a bit with a scowl but she's had enough. She roughly grabs his face in her hands jerking his head towards her. "Look I don't wanna be near you as much as you want to be near me, but do you want to get healed or not?"

"I wouldn't need to get healed if it weren't for you kicking me," He retorts and she punches his thigh as hard as she can. He yelps in pain grabbing his thigh.

"You wouldn't be here if you hadn't tried to chase me down for the handkerchief. Now stay still or I swear I will break your leg." she snaps. He scowls but complies with her order, letting her touch his swollen nose. Sun-Mi gently applies pressure onto the bridge of his nose with her thumb and index finger. He winces in pain and is about to jerk away when he remembers her threat. "*sigh* Based off the swelling and what I can feel, your nose isn't broken, it's just fractured" the red-haired boy scoffs at her response.

"Like that makes it any better." Sun-Mi purses her lips at his response not really knowing what to say to that. She feels awful for not only being the cause of his fractured nose but also for being selfish about the handkerchief. She wants to give it back but she's just not quite sure how to go about it. They both fall silent as Sun-Mi continues to work on his nose making sure the bleeding has stopped and then placing a bandage for it. Mingi shifts uncomfortably at the amount of pressure she's applying onto his damaged nose, closing his eyes shut. Soon the pressure subsides and he opens his eyes to see a pair of vibrant ocean blue eyes staring him down. They express a sort of conflict in them like waves crashing against each other. Her melancholic expression made her seem vulnerable for once since he's met her. Her long eyelashes and soft features looked as if they were painted to perfection by a god. She was beautiful, no matter how much he tried to deny it. No matter how much he told himself he should be repulsed by her presence.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now