40. Surprise, Surprise

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I was sitting in front of Hayley in her dressing room, because she had 'exciting news'. Tom sat next to me and was waiting for Hayley to continue her story, like me. But she didn't. "Well? What is it?" I asked. She shook her head with her eyes closed and her finger moved from the left to the right. It seriously looked like she was mental. "Wait for it... Wait for it..." She kept saying. Suddenly a man's voice sounded through the speakers in the dressing room. "Aha!" Hayley said and shot up, eyes open. "Can all contestants go to the stage?" He said in a boring tone. I shrugged and stood up. I walked towards the stage, Tom and Hayley trailing after me. I opened the doors and saw a few contestants already there. I stood next to them and Tom too. Hayley walked to the other judges, who were facing us. There were are few people coming in after us and stood next to us too, in a row. I fidgeted with my fingers, wanting to know what the news was. "So... I know you've all been wondering why I've gathered you here..." Luke began in a posh accent and Hayley slapped his arm. I chuckled and Luke looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled and directed my gaze to the ground. "Like you all know, we have an announcement to make." Katy said. "Since the second live shows are in a couple of weeks, we decided to get some help from other people, since we want all your performances to be perfect." Ed continued. "So each team has help from another artist, besides your mentor. So you may go back to your mentor's dressing room right now, to know who your guest coach is." Hayley said. A few gasps were heard as we all realized what they were saying. "So they're in your dressing room?" I asked Hayley and she nodded. We all stood still for a moment until Cara began running to the exit of the stage. And then everybody followed. Tom and I were the last ones to leave, beside the mentors and slowly jogged towards Hayley's dressing room. I laid my hand on the doorknob before opening it. Please let it be someone awesome and someone I'm a fan of and please let him be nice and cool. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I shut my eyes tightly and walked inside, scared to see who it was. I heard a deep chuckle and decided to open my eyes a little. The first thing I noticed are his enormous eyebrows. And then I recognized him. Alex. Fucking. Gaskarth. My hands flew to my mouth and I began breathing heavily. Tom introduced himself like the gentleman he is and I saw them both looking at me worriedly. Hayley slapped me on the back and I regained my composure. I cleared my throat and sat down next to Tom on the couch, my eyes never leaving the god in front of me. My hands were trembling and I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. 'I'm going to work with Alex Gaskarthhhh' I sung in my head. "So.. Ehm... I'm Alex, I'm in a band called All Time Low, I'm 27 years old, and eh... I think that's about it." It's funny how I can tell more about him than he can. "Oh, I saw both your auditiones and they were awesome. So I'm really looking forward to work with the both of you" He said and I smiled brightly. Gosh, he saw my audience. Why the hell didn't I pick an All Time Low song? Hayley looked at Tom, so he introduced himself. "I'm Tom, I'm 24 years old, I mostly sing pop songs, and erm... I live together with my girlfriend?" He said and I smiled. I saw her once and they were really cute together. Now they were all looking at me, and I began introducing myself. "I'm Skyler, I'm 18 years old, I mostly sing punk-pop or pop-rock, and I'm like, a really big fan of All Time Low, but I'll try to be normal." I said. Alex chuckled and nodded. "Ever been to a show of ours?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, kinda." The concert I went to seemed like a lifetime ago. There is so much that changed in the meantime. "Basically, I didn't have tickets and my mom and dad forbade me to go. But I went anyways, and all the entrances were closed, because I was really late. Then I went through the meetings entrance, and told the lady behind the desk a sob story and she let me use their bathroom. I sneaked out of the bathroom and somehow ended up next to you guys on stage while being chased by guards. I was like, 10 metres away from Zack and it was so amazing. Anyways, the guards were coming, so I wrapped myself in one of those huge curtains. Then they were gone and I came out of it, but they weren't gone, so they caught me and brought me to the police station." I said with a pout. "Wow, we heard about that. That there was some crazy girl who ran past all the guards just to see us. But wasn't that in LA?" He asked and I nodded. "Yea, we moved a couple of months after." I said and he nodded. "You're crazy." Hayley said and I nodded. "True." I said and she chuckled. "So... have you already thought of a song for the seconds live shows?" Hayley asked and I nodded. I saw Tom shrug from the corner of my eyes. "Well?" Hayley asked and I smiled. "Never Been Hurt by Demi Lovato." I said and Hayley narrowed her eyes and stared into space. "Don't know that song. But I was thinking about a more upbeat song? Since the last ones were a little bit slow." She said and I nodded. "Yea, this one is like that." I said and she nodded. "I have it on my phone... I can connect it to the speakers if you want?" I asked her and she nodded. I connected my phone to the speakers and searched through my enormous list of songs for the song. After a couple of seconds I had it and put it on. After the first chorus I stopped the song and Hayley was nodding. "Great choice. I think this is going to be better than One Direction." She said and I chuckled. "One Direction?" Alex asked and Hayley nodded. "Yea, she covered One Direction's Fireproof the last time. It was amazing. Wait, it's on YouTube." She said and typed something into her phone. After a couple seconds she gave her phone to Alex and he watched intently. When he was done watching he looked up to me with a bright smile. "This is awesome. I never thought One Direction could sound so cool." He said and I smiled a shy smile back. SJAAALALALA Fucking Alex Gaskarth was in front of me, complimenting my last performance. What did I do to deserve this?! "And Tom? Any ideas?" She asked and Tom nodded. "Stay by Rihanna." He said and I smiled. I really like that song. Hayley and Alex both nodded. "Well, you can go back to your dressing rooms now. Tomorrow rehearsals, 2pm on stage!" Hayley said and I nodded while standing up. "See you tomorrow!" I yelled back while walking out of the dressing room towards my own. Yes, we had our own dressing rooms now, since there were only 8 contestants left. Tom wasn't behind me, so I guess he was still talking to Hayley and Alex. I saw blonde hair from the corner of my eye and looked to my right. I blinked a couple of times while my mind was blank. Taylor Swift stood casually in the middle of the corridor. So she was a coach of another team? I mean, that's the only reason. I quietly walked passed her, afraid to talk to her. What?! She's like... I don't know. I heard she's super nice, but still... I'm always awkward in a conversation and then she'll think I'm weird. So nope. I walked to my dressing room and saw Charlotte sitting in front of it. "You never guess who my guest coach is!" I said. "Who?" She asked hurriedly while standing up. "Wait, come into my dressing room." I said. I opened the door and we walked inside. We plopped down on the couch and she looked at me intently. "Well, tell me." She said. "You first." I said with a grin. She shook her head. "Okayy... It's Louis Tomlinson." She said and my eyes widened. "That's great!" I said and she shrugged. "I guess. I'm not a big One Direction fan, but he's nice and I'm sure he'll give some good advice." She said and I nodded. "Now tell me yours." I grinned. "You gon' be so jealous." I sang. She glared at me. "Alex Gaskarth." I whisper yelled and her eyes grew wide. "I'll introduce you to Louis if you introduce me to Alex deal?" She asked and I nodded. "Yea, sure." We shook hands and I chuckled. "Do you know who the other guest coaches are? I already saw Taylor Swift walking around here somewhere... So I guess she's Katy's guest coach." I said and she nodded with a grin. "You know who Luke's is?" She said while smiling creepily. "Eh no?" I said and she rubbed her hands together. "John Feldmann." She said and my eyes widened. "No. Fucking. Way. Are you serious?" I asked and she nodded. "That bastard didn't tell me! I'm so going to kick his ass." I said and she chuckled. "Yea, you're like... Friends right?" She asked and I nodded. "I'll ask him to introduce us to him." I said and she nodded. "Yes please." John Feldmann is like... He isn't very popular, well, not as popular as Ed or Katy, but for me he is. He played in Goldfinger and he's a producer. He worked together with the boys, Sleeping With Sirens, Good Charlotte, All Time Low, Panic! At The Disco and many more. He's like... The father of bands. I'm serious. He's awesome. "Why did they pick the best celebrities?!" I asked frustrated. "Same! Like, Ed, Katy, Luke and Hayley are amazing, and then there are 4 amazing ones with them... Gosh." She said and I nodded.

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