29. Rehearsals

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I woke up with the sound of a slamming door. And there was no way that that was Anna. She was definitely still sleeping. It was light outside already, but I don't think it's noon already. So was there someone in our apartment? I grabbed my baseball bat I used in case of emergencies, definitely now, and gripped it tightly. What if there was someone to abduct me? Or murder me? I had to have a weapon! I just watch a lot of movies okay?! I tip-toed to the door and turned the doorknob slowly, making as less sound as possible. I walked slowly to the kitchen, where sounds were coming from. I ran to the kitchen, baseball bat ready and yelled a battle cry. I stopped in my tracks when I saw who it was. Or who they were. Anna was sitting on the counter, with Michael in between her legs. And it was very obvious what they were doing. "DUDES! I thought there was a robber or something!" I yelled while lowering my baseball bat. "Sky, shoo!" Anna shooed me away. "Eh, hell no, I'm eating breakfast first. Take the party to the living room. Or your bedroom, where you were heading anyways. Try not to be too loud yea? Thanks." I said and they looked at me confused. I turned around and gave them the most obvious wink I could give and shooed them away. They slowly walked towards Anna's room and I chuckled. "I approve, just so you know. AND USE PROTECTION!" I yelled dramatically. "Shut up!" I heard Anna faintly say before she slammed the door behind her. I smiled. I really shipped them. I mean, Anna was heartbroken when he left, and I guess he was too. I just hope this will work out. They've both changed these past 2 years, and I just don't want her to be heartbroken again.

Loud music was playing through my headphones while I laid on my bed in the dark, with my eyes closed. Suddenly light flooded into my room and I saw Anna standing at the door. I removed the headphone as looked at her questionably. "Stop moping around. You need something to distract you. I know it sucks, but you need to move on." She said. She was definitely talking about Luke and me. "Michael told you huh?" I said. "Yup, and he also told me Luke is doing exactly the same thing, sitting in the dark, listening to loud music." She said while opening my curtains. I groaned. "We, are going to watch a movie." She said while grabbing my laptop and sitting next to me. "And I know exactly which movie." I rolled my eyes. This was going to be Magic Mike again. "What about Michael?" I asked. "He had to go to an interview." I nodded. I haven't talked to Luke in a week. And it was scary how attached I was to him already in the 2 days I talked to him. I would have to see him tonight again, because tonight are the last rehearsals for the Battle. I had to battle against a girl named Diana. I don't know why Hayley wanted us to battle, because I was more into pop rock music, and she more into country/pop. But I guess this was going to be interesting. We had 2 short rehearsals this week already, but that was more to figure out who was going to sing what, and who was going to play what on the guitar. Because we were both going to play guitar. The song we were going to sing was Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses. I absolutely love that song, but we're going to sing an acoustic slow version. Hayley thought it would be a good idea for me to sing something out of my genre, so people could see that I could sing something else too. And even though I wish Diana all the best, I hope I'll get through. I mean, that's normal right? I just don't want it to end tomorrow. And even though I'm avoiding Luke, I like to see him at the show. Because we were friends before, maybe we could be that now too...? I knew it was almost impossible, but we could try. Last time during rehearsals, Luke passed our room, which has a glass wall. We had eye-contact, but we both looked away quickly. Awkwaardd... "You're not even concentrating on the movie are you! Gosh, we're already halfway in there." Anna said and after that her face fell. "Your thinking about Luke aren't you." She said and I shrugged. "You know I don't like these kind of movies. I like action movies much more." I argued. She rolled her eyes and concentrated on the movie again. Would Hayley mind if I was at rehearsals half an hour too early? Probably not. "I need to get ready for rehearsals." I said and stood up from the bed. "Go and drool in your own room." She rolled her eyes and took my laptop to her room. I grabbed some underwear from my closet and walked to the shower. I took a quick shower and after I dried myself I put my underwear on and blow-dried my hair. I put my hair in a high ponytail and put some eyeliner and mascara on, not much. After that I walked back to my closet again and Anna whistled while I walked past her door. I was still in my underwear. "Luke doesn't know what he's missing..." She sang on the tune of Teenage Dirtbag. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room. I grabbed light wash ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top. I put them on and searched for my Vans. After I found them I put them on also and put my phone into my pocket.I grabbed a pair of earbuds in case I had nothing to do, which was probably not going to happen, and walked to Anna's room. "Yo, what's the deal with you and Mikey? It's all back to normal again?" I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know... I mean, we both changed, but he told me he wants to make this work, so I hope it'll get back to normal soon." I smiled and ran to her bed. I jumped on her and hugged her tightly. "That's great." I said and let her go. "Well, I'm gonna go now. Laters! Oh, and I think I heard Hayley say something about taking us for dinner tonight, so I won't be home before 8 or so." I said. She mindlessly nodded while she was concentrated on the movie again. "Laters!" I yelled and slammed the door closed behind me. I locked the door and took the elevator downstairs, to my beloved little car.


His hair reminds me of a warm safe place,
Where as a child I'd hide.

And pray for the thunder and the rain,

To quietly pass me by.

Ooh, sweet child o' mine,

Ooh, sweet love of mine

Diana and I sang in perfect harmony. When the sound of our guitars died down Hayley ran towards us enthusiastically. "That was amazing guys!" She said. I really liked her, because she was more like a friend now, than a judge. She just helped with a couple of things, but I didn't really see her as someone who stood above me. And I really like that. "Well, couldn't have done it without you!" Diana said. I liked Diana, but sometimes she was too nice. Fake nice. And I really didn't like that. I hate fake people. Luckily I only have to see her one more day. And then I'll be gone, or she'll be gone. Either way, I won't see her again. I looked around and saw Luke sitting in the darkness of the last row of seats. I could faintly see his blonde quiff. Why was he here? His team had rehearsals 2 hours ago... "He's been sitting there this whole time... Watching you. Kinda a creeper huh?" She joked and I chuckled. But seriously, what is he doing here? First he tells me there can't be an 'us', and then he stalks me during my rehearsals. It's really frustrating. He needs to make up his mind, gosh. "Are you two coming tonight? Were going to an Italian restaurant with the whole team. My treat." Hayley said. "Yea, sure." I said. I quickly glanced at Luke again before walking after Hayley and Diana off the stage.


An hour later we were all sitting in an Italian restaurant. We were all sitting at a long table. Team Hayley consisted of... Around 15 people, so it was a pretty long table. Of course, I had a huge pizza in front of me. Why would you choose spaghetti or anything else over pizza? I really didn't know. I sat next to Hayley, who had pizza also. "So, you know why Luke was stalking you?" She asked lowly, not wanting anyone to hear our conversation. I sighed. Should I tell her? I'll start with the being friends part. "You remember how I told everybody Luke was in my year at school at my audition?" I asked and she nodded. "That was not really the truth. Well, he was in my year, but I left a tiny thing out. I was in a friend group, which consisted of 4 boys and 2 girls, including me. One of those boys was Luke. But he was the one guy I didn't like that much. It's a long story to tell you why I didn't like him. Anyways, things got better, we began being kinda friends, and then he decided to leave on a tour with One Direction. Those 4 boys are 5sos by the way, if you didn't know." Hayley's eyes widened. "You were best friends with 5sos while you were in high-school?" She asked and I nodded. "But then they left and said we'd Skype every day. And we've talked to them like, three weeks, and after that we didn't hear from them for 2 years. So I was mad at them. I mean, that's normal. But then I auditioned, saw Luke as a judge, lost my shit, but held myself together and made it out of the audition alive. Then me and my best friend Anna went clubbing, and he was there. He brought us home safely and saved me from some perverted man. Anyways, we were acting like friends again, but then we had a fight and now we're avoiding each other. Well, I'm avoiding him." I said. I left out the 'more than friends' and the 'we can't because of the Voice' part. She nodded. "That sucks. But you know? You were friends before, also with the other guys. You forgave them, but you're avoiding Luke. But you can't keep avoiding him forever. And definitely not while being on the Voice. Because he's a judge and all." I chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I can try to avoid him as long as possible." I said and took a bite from my delicious pizza.

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