42. Creep

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After I sung the song 3 times and it all went great Hayley was satisfied. "Okay. Only tomorrow morning again, but Anna needs to know the whole drum thingy. I'll ask for a drummer around here too, just in case." Hayley said and I nodded. Alex shot me a thumbs up and I smiled at him. I still couldn't believe Alex Gaskarth was live in front of me. "Oh, shit. I have an interview." Alex said while looking at the time on his phone. "Okay, see you tomorrow!" I said and he jogged through the doors, where Hayley disappeared seconds before. I sat the guitar down and Luke came walking on stage. "You were great." He said and quickly pecked my cheek. I smiled and at that moment Elliot walked through the doors, intently typing away on his phone. Luke immediately did a step back. "We have to rehearse now...." He groaned. "You wanna stay?" He asked. No way I was going to watch Elliot perform. "No... He might get the wrong ideas if I do." I said and Luke nodded. I grabbed my water bottle and Luke walked away to his chair to get some papers for Elliot. Probably lyrics or something like that. "I heard you sung together with Alex?" He said with a weird voice. I think he was trying to be sexy or something like that. But it sounded more like he had been yelling all night long and lost his voice. "Yup I did." I said and quickly grabbed my water bottle, so I could get the hell outta here. "I was thinking... Maybe we could do a duet too you know? Something like... Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo." He said. How original. I saw Luke's head snap up from behind Elliot. "That's actually a great idea. But I was thinking about another song..." I said suggestively. I saw Luke narrowing his eyes. "More like... You Suck by Abigail Breslin." I said harshly. I saw Luke trying to cover up his laugh with a cough, which resulted into a coughing fit. "Well, I definitely know something you can suck..." Elliot whispered while taking a step in my direction. Somehow Luke heard it and he looked furious. He balled his fists and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. "So. What do you say? My place?" Elliot asked. "I already told you. I have boyfriend. Get that through your fucking dumb skull." I said and pushed him away. "Ugh. I want to punch you so bad right now." I said while turning around and walking away. "Feisty. I like it." I heard Elliot say and I sighed. He was so creepy. Seriously. I'm thinking about carrying pepper spray everywhere. I walked past Luke to the entrance and he looked at me with concern. I smiled a little bit, to let him know that I was okay. When I walked out through the big doors I saw Luke walking towards Elliot. I really wanted to know what he was going to say to him... Wait. What if I could somehow come backstage without making any noise... Hm. I walked around through the corridors, towards the backstage part of the building. I tried not to fall or make any sound, which was harder than I thought it would be. I followed the sound of people talking until I could hear them clear enough. "You know you can't date the people on the show right?" Luke asked Elliot, playing it cool. Elliot chuckled. "The judges can't. No one said something about two contestants." I knew he was grinning. "Just don't do that to her okay. She doesn't want you, she has a boyfriend." Luke said. Elliot gasped fakely. "And how do you know?" He asked Luke like he was busted. "My best mate is her boyfriend. And that best mate's name is Calum Hood and do you really think she'll choose some low-life like you over a member of one of the biggest bands right now?" He asked and I grinned. Go Luke! Elliot was silent. "She wants me." Elliot said and Luke threw his hands up in defeat. "If I catch you once more flirting with her, Calum will hunt your ass down and kick you off this show himself." Luke threatened. "Now start rehearsing. I'll be back in a few." He said and I saw Luke walking away. The music began and I didn't have to worry about staying silent. I quickly walked back to the corridors and heard Luke's dressing room door slam closed. I walked to the door and opened it quickly and immediately closed it behind me. "What the.." I heard him say until he saw that it was me. He was sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair and I cuddled up next to him. "I'm going to go shopping tonight..." I said and Luke looked at me weirdly. "And buy 5 cans of pepper spray." I said and he chuckled. "I'm being serious. I'm going to spray it in his eyes, even if he doesn't do anything. Seriously." I said with a sigh. I'm really being serious. He was just so creepy and I really feared him. He wrapped his arms around me and we both laid on the couch in each other's arms. "Thank you. For standing up to me. I heard you talking to him after I was gone." Luke smiled sadly and nodded. Then his lips were suddenly pressed onto mine and I responded immediately. After while he pulled back. "I really wanted to do that since he said those things to you." I smiled and pecked his lips. Luke sighed. "I guess I'll have to go back to him now..." He said and I nodded. We both stood up and I walked to the door. "I'll wait for you in my dressing room." I said. He walked to me and pecked my lips again. After that we went our separate ways. I walked back to my dressing room and immediately connected my phone with the speakers. I played my 'Sad/Sleep' playlist and laid down on the couch. Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day began playing and I closed my eyes. After that I remembered I had to call Anna, so I did. I dialed her number and held the phone to my ear. "Yoo, whadup?" She said when she answered the phone. "I have huge news. So I'm going to sing Never Been Hurt tomorrow and they need a drummer, since the only sounds are drums, guitar and a track. So I'll play guitar and sing, and you'll be in the background playing drums." I said and Anna squealed. I just smiled, not really being in the mood. "So I'll be with you on stage?" She asked. "Jup. You learned how to play Never Been Hurt a couple years back right? Can you still do it? If not, you need to start rehearsing immediately. Tomorrow morning are the last rehearsals for the show and you need to be there." I said. "Yea, it was last year." She said. "But I'm at Michael's right now. I can't really rehearse here." I scoffed. "Just go to their studio. Michael can wait." I said and she chuckled. "Fine. I will. But I'm staying at Mikey's tonight, just so you know." She said. "That's okay. Just be there at 12pm." I said. "You sound down. Something happened?" I sighed. "Are you and Luke okay?" She asked. "Yeah, we are. But Elliot is taking creepy to a whole new level. He was suggesting I go to his place tonight to suck his d while Luke was standing a few meters away." I said. "You know, I still have a few cans of pepper spray in my closet. Y'know, for emergencies. You can have one." She said. "Really? Aw thanks. I was seriously thinking about buying them already, but if you have them at home..." I said. "Yea, I have. Top drawer on the right." She said. "Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. 12pm!" I said and she chuckled. "Yea, yea. See you then!" She said before hanging up. I smiled weakly before relaxing a bit. Sleep by Poets Of The Fall was playing and I closed my eyes.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I opened my eyes and wiped them away, only to be met with a concerned looking Luke. "You okay?" He asked and I nodded. My head laid on his lap and his hands were playing with my hair. "Anna has pepper spray at home." I said with a small smile. Luke leaned down and pressed a short kiss to my lips. Now that I thought of it, I would be home alone tonight. And I really didn't want that after the whole... Thing. "Can you sleep over at my place tonight?" I asked Luke. "Anna is staying at Michael's and I don't want to be alone." I said and he nodded. "Yea, of course." He said. I'll have to get some things from home first though." I nodded. "That's alright."

I parked my car in front of the building. Luke had to go home and get his stuff first, so I was early. How come that one single person can switch your whole mood like that? I mean, I sung with Alex Gaskarth! But that doesn't matter anymore since Elliot had to be a fucking asshole... I kicked the door of my apartment open and walked to the speakers to play some happy music to lift up my mood. I walked to Anna's bedroom and searched through her top drawer. And yes, there it was. A beautiful can of pepperspray. I walked back to my room and put it in my bag. After that I quickly changed into pyjamas and wrapped a blanket around me. Then the doorbell rang. I swaid the door open and there stood Luke, with black Ray-Bans on and a hood far over his head. I chuckled and held the door open for him. "You look like some mafia boss." I said while I pecked his lips. "Guess what I brought?" He asked while walking in. I shrugged. "What?" I asked. "Pizza!" He yelled and plopped down on the couch. He opened one of the two bags he had with him and grabbed two pizza boxes. I chuckled and walked to the kitchen. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked. "Yea, I'll look on Netflix." He said from the living room. I wanted to grab two plates until I realized we didn't need them. I grabbed a can of Red-Bull for Luke and a can of Coke for myself and walked back to the living room. Luke had already picked a movie: Total-Recall. "Ah, yes. I love that movie." I said while throwing the Red-Bull towards him. He handed me a pizza box and I saw that it was quattro formaggi, my favorite. I kissed him passionately before I cuddled up to him with my pizza on my lap. "What was that for?" He asked and I smiled. "Pizza." I replied and the movie began.

I woke up because I was swaying back and forth a little bit. I opened my eyes a little bit and saw that I was in Luke's arms. I must've fallen asleep during the movie. He kicked my bedroom door open with his foot and laid me down on my bed. I was already wearing my pyjamas, so I wouldn't have to sleep in my normal clothes. Or Luke wouldn't have to change me. Whatever. Luke laid the covers over me and pressed his lips against my forehead. "I love you." He whispered. Even though he'd already said it before, I still got that tingly feeling. "Love you too." I said quietly. I saw him smile and walking towards the other side of the bed, and changing into shorts and a black shirt which he probably brought with him. I felt the bed dip in and his arms found their way around my waist. I felt Luke sigh contently before he pressed his lips to my shoulder and laid his head there. I smiled. I wish every night could be like this...

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