6. Hotel

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Just to inform you, the last few days I was bored as fuck. At first I was like: Yay, away from that hellhole, but now I'm just sitting in our hotel room the whole time. My mom didn't want me to go to school either, because there was a chance my dad would be there. So nope, no school for me. Well, summer vacation starts tomorrow anyways. Oh, and I was kicked out. I kinda forgot. Nevermind then. They wouldn't miss me. I spent the last few days laying on the comfortable bed, watching Netflix on my laptop. At least I had Netflix. And food. My mom left a couple minutes ago to get groceries from the store a few blocks away and probably just to get away from this small hotel room. So I decided I'd do the same. After this episode was over.

I walked out of the hotel, holding my father's wallet tight. Of course I wasn't going to spend all his money... Just a part. Depends on how much he has. Considering he has it's own company with lots of facilities... I grinned at the thought. I walked to the nearest ATM and put his card in it. I clicked the button with retrieve balance and pressed the numbers of his code. How I knew this? He always paid my stuff so he gave me the code once. Big mistake. He probably didn't think I'd have the guts to steal it from him... I pressed OK and the screen was loading. My eyes widened and I looked around me when I saw how much money he had. Fuck. almost 1.5 million dollars. A million! What the hell... I contemplated for a while about how many I should get. He had to live too after all of this... I typed in: '400.000' and a minute later the money came rolling out. Fuck yea. I looked around me if there weren't shady people around me. Nope. There were still approximately a million dollars on his credit card... I guess that's enough to live... Right? I put the money back in my father's wallet and held it tight while walking back to the hotel. Revenge part 2 has begun.

When I was safe again, sitting on my hotel bed I grabbed a pen and a 100 dollar bill from the wallet. I could miss a hundred dollars from 400.000 right?

Dear kind ex-father,

I took some money, so mom and I can survive. Thank you for that.
I saw you had quite a lot, so I took like... 1/3 of the money you had. You're welcome.
Don't even try calling the police or anything like that. I'll tell the police all the things you've done. You know what happens then? You go to jail.

There wasn't any space left on the front of the bill, so I turned it around and wrote further.

You know what will happen with your company? First of all, your colleagues won't respect you anymore. I mean, you'll be a criminal. Not like you'll see them again, I'm sure you will be locked up for quite some time. But your company will be taken over by someone else. Someone better. And there are lots of people better than you.

Kind regards,

Your lovely daughter

I grinned. It was a shame I couldn't see the reaction on his face when he would see this. I put the 100 dollar bill back in the wallet and put the other 399.900 dollars in my jewelry box. I wrote a small note to my mom, saying I was going outside for a walk. I grabbed the wallet and a 5 dollar bill before walking out of the hotel again and walking to the nearest Starbucks.

When I had a cold Frappuccino Caramel in my hands I walked to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus to come. This was so exciting. I never really went anywhere with the bus except to school. So going to the other side of LA with the bus, on my own, was kinda cool. The bus stopped in front of me and I stepped in. I paid the bus driver and took a seat at the back of the bus.

I stepped out of the bus one bus stop away from my house on purpose, so IF my dad was home, it wouldn't be too obvious that I was there. The walk was a couple minutes and I tossed my Frappuccino in a garbage can that stood on the sidewalk. I grabbed my father's wallet from my pocket and held it tightly. I saw the house already. I stopped next to it, so I wasn't in sight from inside the house. Wait... There was a window opened on the first floor... And it was my parents bedroom. Wait, scratch that. It's my father's bedroom. The window was wide open. I stepped from behind my hiding place and aimed to the window. I threw it hard, it hit the curtains and fell into the room. I saw a shadow appearing behind the curtains and quickly ran back to my hiding place, that was a thick tree. I could see the house, but the house couldn't see me. I saw my father open the curtain and looking left and right. When he closed the curtain again I ran away. Hard. I was so paranoid, like I could bump into him any moment. I was a few blocks away and I think he has seen the note by now. I saw a bus stopping at a bus stop at the other side of the street and I quickly ran to it. I caught my breath when I stood in front of the bus driver and reached into my pocket for the money. I gave him the money and sat in the back of the bus again.

The Voice (Luke Hemmings)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ