37. The Results

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The presenter guided me off the stage, and people from the audience were reaching out to me. I jogged past them, giving all of them high fives. I grinned and walked backstage. There is a short break right now, and after that are the results. I really didn't get why they wouldn't just do it now. Now the nerves will eat me alive. I walked to the room I sat in before the performance, and the rest was there too. I greeted them and grabbed a bottle of water from the 'food table' in the corner of the room. I sat my guitar down and sat on a chair, waiting for someone to get us. The sound of a chair scraping against the floor caught my attention. I looked up and saw Charlotte sitting next to me. "Hey." She said and I smiled. "Hi." I said. "You were amazing! No offense, but I don't like One Direction. At all. But that was pretty cool what you did with the song." She said and I smiled brightly. "Thanks! You were good too! I love Bring Me The Horizon! Have you heard their new album? It's amazing." I fangirled. She sang Drown by Bring Me The Horizon earlier and it was really good. "Yes! I love it. What song do you like most?" She asked. "Hm... I think it's gonna be True Friends. You?" I asked. She nodded. "Yea, I like that one too. But I like Throne more I think." She said and I nodded. "Yea, same. But Happy Song! Ugh, it's so good too!" She smiled and nodded. "I really hope we're both through because you're really cool." She said. I smiled and nodded. "Thanks, you too. I think we're gonna be the bestest of friends." I said cheekily and she chuckled. "Team Ed, follow me." Someone said from the door opening. "That's my cue. Gotta go." Charlotte said while standing up. "Good luck!" I said and gave her a thumbs up. She shot me a nervous smile and walked after the man with the other people that were in Team Ed. I began fidgeting with my hands, walked to the couch and sat down next to a girl who sat alone. "Hey." I said. She looked up and gave me a shy smile. "Hey." She said. "You're Team Katy right?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm Tessa. But you can call me Tess." She said. "I'm Skyler." I said with a smile. "That One Direction cover was awesome. I love One Direction." She said and wasn't that shy anymore. Guess being a fangirl does that to you. I shrugged. "They're okay. I'm not really a fan. They're just... Cool." I said. "How can you not like them?! They're gorgeous. Have you seen Harry? His hair is just so asdfghjkl. But he has Louis. And Liam is also just... Ugh! But he has a girlfriend! And I don't think Niall is looking for a relationship right now, so... No chance for me." She said and looked sad. "Whoa, whoa. Do they even know you exist?" I said jokingly. She scrunched up her nose. "Well, maybe they do now. Maybe they saw me perform." She said and I chuckled. "Yea, maybe."

I walked through the corridors, looking for Anna. She would meet me somewhere here... She said she had important news. Knowing Anna it's probably something ridiculous. The doors to the backstage corridors slammed open and Anna walked through like the queen she is. "Your performance was so cool!" She said and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and pried her off of me. "Ugh, you stink." She said and I smiled. I looked at her expectantly. She frowned for a second until she knew what I was getting at. "The news! Gosh yes!" She began giggling and I raised my eyebrow. "Michael asked me to be his girlfriend." She said and whisper yelled after. My eyes widened. "Anna! That's awesome!" I said while I wrapped my arms around her. This is so cliche. Two best friends having a relationship with two best friends. Or something like that. Anyways... "It wasn't as spectacular as yours, but we were just walking through the park, and-" "Walking? Since when do you do that?" I interrupted her jokingly. "Okay, okay. We had one of those Hovertrax, you know? The ones every Viner has?" She said. "No way! Get me one!" I said and she looked at me with a bitch-no expression. I fake glared at her. "Well, what happened then?" I asked. "We were just chasing each other on those things and it was so much fun. Anyways, Michael ended up falling into the pond, with his Hovertrax, it was hilarious. And then I jumped in after him, without the Hovertrax of course. I'm not that stupid, and then we kissed and then we got out of the water because it was cold and then he asked me to be his girlfriend." She was jumping up and down and I decided to do it with her, because why the hell not? We were both silently screaming because I was happy for her until we heard someone clearing their throat from behind us. I turned around and there stood all 4 judges looking at us like we were crazy. I mean, we were, but... "Everything alright?" Luke asked, trying to hold back his laugh. We both nodded. "All good." I said and Anna poked me in my waist. I did this spasm thing and looked at her angry. "Why the hell did you do that?!" I whispered, angry. "To make you feel awkward. Bye now." She whispered loudly and walked away. I slumped my shoulders and looked back at the judges. They were all trying very hard to hold their laughs back. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to go get ready." I said and walked towards the room again.

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