21. Lip Ring

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I groaned and rolled over when I woke up because of my alarm. It was In The Shadows by The Rasmus. I didn't turn it off though. I liked the song too much for that. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw my makeup all over my face and my hair looked similar to a bird's nest. Great. I tried to comb my hair before I wiped the makeup from my face. Ahh, a lot better. I did some hair products in my hair and put winged eyeliner and mascara on. After that I walked to my walk-in-closet and looked for an outfit. I went for my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and a black and grey striped tank top. After that I put a silver necklace on, which I knew I was gonna remove the minute I would arrive at school because it itches. Hm. I grabbed my backpack and put the things I needed for the day in it. "Yo bitch." I heard Anna say when I walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw her eating some cereal. "Doesn't your mom feed you?" I joked. "She does, but... Hunger and all that stuff you know? I just like eating." She said with her mouth full. I nodded and walked to the fridge. I wasn't in the mood for cereal today. So I made a sandwich and walked to the door. "You ready?" I asked. I was just gonna eat this on our way to school. "Let's go." Anna said. We grabbed our skateboards and rode to school.

When we walked into the school everybody was whispering to each other, like they were talking about someone and they weren't supposed to hear it. And I was really afraid that that someone was me. We walked to our lockers, both of us looking at each other. When I got my books from my locker something caught my eye. On the right of us, someone was standing with their back to us, rummaging through his locker. He was wearing black skinny jeans with Vans and had his hair up in a quiff. Damn. He's hot. And I haven't even seen his face yet. I nudged Anna and she looked up, immediately following my stare. "Woohoo, he must be new." She whispered. "He's H-O-T. But you can have him. I have Mikey." She said. The new boy shut his locker and turned around, knocking the breath out of me. It was fucking Luke. Luke Hemmings. Luke Luke. The guy who always had a side fringe, wore polo's and who was a dick. The thing that stood out the most was a black line on his lower lip. No he didn't. He has a fucking lip ring. Gosh, what the..... What the hell? "No way." I heard Anna next to me say. "Holy shiiiiiet." She said in a really high voice. "Guess he wasn't as shallow as we thought he was." She said and I just nodded. You remember me saying 'Damn, he's hot? Yea. Nevermind. It was fucking Luke. I just stared at him until he was out of sight. Just like everybody else in the school. I couldn't wrap my mind around this. I shook my head and took a large gulp from my bottle of water. After that I shut my locker and walked after Anna to music class.

Our clan was sitting next to each other, waiting for the lesson to start. Mr. Brown walked in and unpacked his bag. Someone knocked on the door and Luke walked in. Oh no. Please tell me he wasn't in this class. "Ah, Luke. Nice of you to join us." Mr. Brown said. "Please take a seat." Luke nodded and sat behind Michael. Aaaarccchhhh. Music class? Him? Really? He probably wasn't even listening to proper musi- That was when I noticed his shirt. It was a Good Charlotte shirt. Okay, nevermind. He listens to good music now too? Who the fuck is this person? SOme undercove- "Okay guys, I have a new assignment." Mr. Brown said while rubbing his hands together. "You'll all form groups of four, then in two weeks I want a performance from each group. Singing, playing instruments, both, I don't care." He said. "What if you don't play an instrument?" Someone asked. "Then you have to sing." He replied. I scrunched up my nose. Our clan was with 5 people. So we had to split up. "Okay, you can choose your groups now." Mr. Brown said and sat behind his desk. "We have to split up huh?" Ashton said. "No shit Sherlock." I mumbled. He slapped me playfully and I chuckled. "Let's just do boys and girls." Anna said while hooking her arm through mine. "Girlpower." She said seriously to me and I chuckled. "Sure." I said. Then she scrunched up her nose. "We'll have to find 2 other people..." She said. "Go sit in your groups now." Mr. Brown said. Anna and I sat a few chairs away from the boys and looked around. It seemed like everybody already had a group of four except for Michael, Ashton and Calum, who were still missing one person, and Luke. And us, of course. Please don't let Luke be with us, please don't let Luke be with us." I repeated. "Luke, you don't have a group?" Mr. Brown asked and he nodded. "Jup." He said bored. "Okay, you'll be with the boys in front of you." He said. Mmmhhhppppfffhhh. I tried to hold back my laugh. The boys in front of him were Ashton, Calum and Michael. They were screwed. "And Anna and Skyer, I think you can handle yourself with the two of you, yea?" He said and we both nodded. He probably meant for us to perform a Mozart masterpiece, but we both knew we had other plans. "Okay, you can start picking a song in your group." Mr. Brown said. "So...?" I said and Anna was making her thinking face. "Hmm...... " She said. "How about... Goldfinger?" She asked. "Ahh, please Still Counting The Days!" I begged. "Yea, omg that's amazing! You'll play guitar, and I'll play drums, and we'll both sing!" She clapped her hands excitedly. "And you can probably borrow one of the boys their electric guitars." She said. "Nahh, I was planning on buying one already. I already have earned enough money to buy one..." I said. "This is great! This is gonna be so awesome!" Anna said. "I really want to know what song the boys are gonna do..." She said. "Yea, me too." I said and frowned. Luke and Calum were laughing while Michael and Ashton were still talking. They liked him, I could tell. Well fuck.

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