60. The Final: Part 2

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As soon as I got into my dressing room again I wanted to change into my pyjamas and sleep. But I couldn't. Because the makeover crew was waiting for me to change me into some more normal clothes. Luckily actually. "Sit sit." Lisa said and I sat down in the chair again and turned the tv on, to see Marcus' performance. He was doing really well. Seven Nation Army really fitted his voice. I handed the wig to Jay and Lisa started wiping all the makeup from my face after getting the lashes off. "Were going to do you Still Into You makeup and hair already okay? So when you come back you'll only have to change into some other clothes." Jay said and I nodded. I was humming along to Marcus' song and closed my eyes. The results were only in a couple of minutes... "I'm going to leave your hair down, just in normal waves okay?" Jay asked and I nodded. "And I'm going to do smokey eye, but not too much." Lisa said and I nodded. "Okay, and clothes for the results. You can choose." Maisie said and rolled a rack of clothes towards us. I looked up and she was showing me a casual black dress. I shrugged. "It's fine, but... Meh." I said and she nodded, holding up a long dark blue dress. "Too formal." I said. She held another dress up, a dark pink fluffy one. "Ew, I'm 18. Not 8." I said and she chuckled. After that she held a short dark red dress up with long laced sleeves. It was really pretty. "Omg yes please." I said and she chuckled. She hung the dress behind the curtain and walked to the shoes section, choosing the same coloured flats. And a skin coloured panty. "Close your eyes please." Lisa said and I did what she said. "Hair is done." Jay said and I hummed. "Thanks." I said without being able to see what it looked like because I couldn't open my eyes. "Ladies and gentlemen... Charlotte!" I heard the presenter say and I smiled. I really hope her version of Skyfall will be awesome.

"Okay done." Lisa said and I opened my eyes. My hair was done neatly and it looked beautiful. And my makeup was a casual smokey eye. "Thank you guys so much!" I said while walking towards the curtain thingy. I closed the curtain behind me and looked at the beautiful dress in front of me. I quickly got out of the ridiculous clothes from earlier and put the dress on. I opened the curtain and Maisie zipped it up and adjusted some things. "You look beautiful." She said. "Thanks." I said with a smile. "Now you go relax. The results are like, in 20 minutes." She said and I nodded while plopping down on the couch. Lisa and Jay were already gone. She opened the door and walked outside, leaving me alone in the dressing room. I sighed deeply and sat back. I grabbed my iPod from the small table between the couch and the tv and put the earbuds in my ears. Most people calm down by listening to calm music, but it's different with me. I don't know why, and I don't know how, but punk, metal and hardcore music make me calm down. It's really weird, I know. I selected my Pierce The Veil playlist and King For A Day began playing. I smiled, closed my eyes and sat back while whispering along to the words.

A few songs later somebody tapped on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a guy talking to me. I removed the earbuds from my ears and gave him a questioning look. "Luke and his band will perform now, and the finalists will watch from the audience." He said. "Oh, okay." I laid my iPod back and walked after him, out of my dressing room.

I sat in the front row of the audience, making small talk with Charlotte. We both noticed that we were very nervous. I felt something tapping on my shoulder and I turned around. It was like, a 9 year old girl with a big smile. "Hello.... I.... Ehmm... Can I get a photo with you? I mean, you and Charlotte? You are my favorites." She said, the nervousness radiating off of her. "Yea, sure." I said. She smiled brightly and the woman next to her, I'm guessing her mom, handed us her phone. Marcus had gone to the toilet, so he couldn't be on the photo. I lifted the girl over the seats and set her on Marcus' seat, between Charlotte and me. "Smile!" I said. The three of us smiled and after I took a couple of photos I gave the phone back to the girl's mom. She climbed back over the seats and thanked us. That moment the lights turned off and I focused on the stage. I wondered which song they were going to play... I saw Ashton walking on stage, towards the drums while waving at the screaming audience. After a while Michael, Luke and Calum ran on stage as well, looking hot as ever. Luke, you sexy motherfucker. Okay, that was a really random thought. But damn, look at him. "Hey everybody." Luke said and I chuckled. I heard Ashton count down with his drumsticks and they began playing. I recognized it immediately. It was End Up Here.

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