15. School

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Congratulations by Sleeping With Sirens blared through the speakers of my phone, indicating I had to get up. Yup, summer vacation officially ended. The last 2 weeks of freedom were spent skateboarding and sleepovers with Anna, hanging out with Calum, Ashton and Michael, and learning new songs on my guitar. I learned a lot actually. And I didn't need Matt to play guitar now anymore, what I didn't really like. And he didn't also, if I have to believe Delta. Talking about Matt... We're really good friends now. We only saw each other at work, but I guess that's enough. I mean, It's 3 days a week. I learned some things about him also. He loved dancing and was offered a scholarship in Adelaide, where his mom lives. But he decided to work for a year and save some money. So he moved to Sydney to live with his dad for a year. And after that year he'll go back to Adelaide again.

I've saved quite some money also. I've worked six times now, and I have saved 120 dollars now. So it was 5 dollar for every hour, 20 dollars a day, 60 dollars a week. That was quite a lot, if you ask me. More than standing in the middle of the city, as a job. That's for sure. But today is monday. And monday normally means school. Well, it didn't the last few weeks, but now it does. And not only school, a new school. With popular people who might recognize me from a few weeks back, when I was singing in the city somewhere. I just hope they don't. I sighed. I had my hair down and I was wearing black skinny jeans with a simple white All Time Low shirt and a black leather jacket. And of course, my black Vans. I put my festival wristbands down, so they were visible. What? I didn't like wearing bracelets and necklaces. I only really wore festival wristbands or a choker necklace. But no choker today. I grabbed my Superdry jean backpack and swung it over my shoulders. There wasn't much in there, only some pens, pencils and that stuff. And some notebooks. The wonderful smell of bacon let me downstairs, where my mom was cooking. "Didn't you have to work the night shift?" I asked confused. "Yes, I did. But I wanted to see you before your first day here." She said. "You're crazy. Go sleep okay? There are bags under your eyes, you can try to cover them up as much as you want, but you can't." She sighed and put the bacon on 2 pieces of bread. "But-" "Nope. Nopenopenope. You're gonna sleep. Right now." I cut her off. She looked like she was contemplating it. "Yes, you are. Bye mom, goodnight." I said. She sighed and walked upstairs. "Wait, not goodnight. Goodday. Ahahah, you get it? Good day? Because it isn't night? Yea, you got it? Okay then. See ya later." I heard her mumble something before I quickly shoved breakfast into my mouth when I saw how late it was. When I was done eating I quickly brushed my teeth and someone knocked at the door. It was probably Anna. I opened the door, and yup. It was Anna. "YOOOOO!" She yelled. She was excited. "So. Excited?" She asked me. "I don't know. Kinda nervous." I said truthfully. "Noo, don't. You have Michael, Calum, Ashton and me remember? And I think we'll gonna have a lot of classes together, so that's good right?" She asked and I shrugged. "Guess so." I replied. "Well, spit that toothpaste out and follow meh!" She yelled while walking out of the door. I did as she said, grabbed my backpack and locked the door behind me. I grabbed my skateboard from the front porch and smiled when I saw the back. It looked really awesome. "Come on!" Anna said. I walked down the steps and skated next to her to school.

"So... Here is the administration, I'll wait here." Anna said. I walked to the lady behind the desk and she looked up. "Hey, I'm Skyler Mitchell, and this is my first day. So I'd like to have my schedule?" I said. "Ahh, yes. Let me see." She said. She rummaged through all the stuff on her desk and after a while she handed me my schedule. "Do you have someone to show you around the school?" She asked and I nodded while pointing at Anna behind me shoulder. "Okay. Well, your locker number and the code are on the back." She said. I turned the schedule around, and it was. "Okay, thank you." I said before walking away. As you guessed, the school accepted me. First they declined, but my mom talked with the principle, and explained everything. So after that they accepted and I couldn't be more happy to go to the same school as Anna. "Lemme see your schedule." She said while snatching my schedule out of my hands. "Oehh, you have history and maths with me. Oh, Calum and Michael are also in those classes. And English with me and Ashton.... Further... Oh, music. You have music with the three of us. "Well, let's go to your locker first. Your books will be in there." She said and I followed her to my locker. It was quite busy in the school. It wasn't a huge school, but it wasn't small either. It was... Big. And there were a lot of students. I confidently walked through the halls, walking next to Anna. A few people turned around to look at the 'new girl' and others just ignored me. And I was okay with that. "She sings at Jones'." I heard someone say as I walked by. "Was she good?" The other replied, but I couldn't hear her answer. Bummer. But I didn't really care. "So. Here's your locker. What's the code? Oh, here it is." She looked at the back of my schedule. "43813." She yelled through the hall. "What the hell?! Now everybody knows it." I said and she laughed. "It's not. It's 24806." She said and I glared at her. She shrugged innocently and opened my locker. And there they were. Wonderful books. Ugh. "So. Today you have History, English, Math, Art, French and Music. Oh, you have French with Michael." She said and I got the books out of my locker and put them in my backpack. After that I put my skateboard in it and closed it again. I put one strap of the heavy backpack on my shoulder and heard the bell ring. Within 2 minutes the halls were empty, Anna and I being the only ones in it. "So. What do you wanna see first?" She asked while rubbing her hands together.

After 60 minutes she had shown me the whole school. We had missed art, but Anna said that that's no problem. We'll use the 'I'm new and she was showing me around' excuse if the teacher asks where we were. The bell rang again and immediately the halls were filled with students again. Anna grabbed my arm and shoved me through the crowd of people. After a while she walked into a classroom, which was already half filled. People were talking among each other and Anna dragged me to the back. I sat down next to her and saw a few people looking at me curiously. I ignored them and grabbed my books out of my backpack. I looked up and saw Ashton sitting in front of us. "Heioo." He said and bumped my fist. "Heioo." I tried to imitate him. He giggled and turned around when the teacher walked in. First lesson of the year was English. This couldn't be good.



I know Ashton wasn't going to the same school, and if he was, the same year, but just pretend he did :)

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