9. Houses

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My mom and I spent the last few days in Anna's house while looking at houses. Luckily all the houses were nearby, so Anna and I didn't have to live too far away from each other. "Hey, are you listening?" Anna said in her Australian accent. It was so cool, seriously. Maybe in a couple of months I lost my American accent and maybe have an Australian accent too. That would be so weird. "Why are you looking at my mouth? Look, I get it. I'm hot and it's totally understandable that you're attracted to me, but sorry. I'm not gay. But I have nothing against them either, so we can still be friends? Just friends though." She said and I snorted. "Yooo, I was just thinking about your accent. It's so cool." She chuckled. "You and your mom are the only ones having an accent here." She said and I shrugged. "Hm. True." I said. The last few days my mom really bonded with Anna's mom and I think they were friends. I was happy for her. She was building a new life, here in Australia. Right now she was at yet another house. I didn't come with her, because I was kinda done with looking for houses. If she likes it, she will call me and I'll come. RIght now Anna and I were sitting on her bed, watching The Walking Dead while shoving scoops of ice cream in our mouths. "If there ever was an zombie apocalypse, I'll stick with you ok? We'll murder them all." She said. "Should I worry?" Anna's dad said when he walked past her room. "Maybe..." Anna said creepily. He probably only heard the last part and I chuckled. My phone buzzed and I saw that it was my mom. I picked up and held my phone at my ear. "I SAY HEY WHAT'S UP HELLOO." I yelled. "Gosh, Skyler, are you on drugs?" She said and I chuckled. "No mom, that's a song." She was silent for a while. "Whatever. Hey mom." I said. She sighed. "What were you calling for?" I asked. "I really, really, really like this house. Please come. It's really nice, and only 2 streets away from Anna's house." She said. "Ahh, is it the one on Church Street?" I asked. "Yupp, that's the one." She said. "Okay, I'm coming." I said. I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket. "Gotta go, buffalo." I said to Anna. "Don't let go Jack!" She said, sobbing. I pried her off of me and walked out the door. "See ya later, alligator." She shouted after me. I chuckled, grabbed my Vans and walked out the door. It was just 2 streets away. I'll walk.

I remembered what the house looked like from the photo's on the internet. I recognized it immediately. I knocked on the front door and I heard shuffling from behind it. "That must be my daughter." A woman in a pencil skirt and a white tucked in blouse opened the door. "Ah, you must be Skyler. I'm Sarah. I'm the seller of the house." I shook her hand and walked inside. In front of me were stairs, on the left the kitchen and on the right the living room. It was really nice and there was still furniture in it. "The house comes with the furniture, so you won't have to buy them." My mom said and I nodded. "I like it." I said in approval. "Let's see upstairs." I followed Sarah and my mom upstairs. There was a small 'room' at the end of the stairs, where a washing machine and all that washing stuff stood. When you walked further there was a hall with doors on the left and the right. I opened the first door on the left. It was a bedroom. It had dark red walls and white furniture. "IF we buy this house I'm gonna sleep here." My mom said. I shrugged. "Sure." I walked out of the room again, and a bathroom was in front of the bedroom. I opened it and it was really fancy. There was a bathtub, a very large rain shower and on the floor were marble tiles. Of course, there was a toilet and a sink too. "Okay..." I said. My mom and Sarah were still standing in the hall, trying to read my facial expressions. Not giving any away yet. I walked to the next door and opened it. It was another bedroom. It had apple green walls and had dark wooden furniture in it. It was... Hm. This was definitely not going to be my room. I opened the door that was in front of the bedroom and opened it, hoping that there was a really cool bedroom in it. But it was just an empty room. Square. White. "The last owners used this room as a gaming room. But they took the furniture with them." Sarah said and I nodded. I closed the door behind me and opened the door at the end of the hall. It wasn't a room, I could see that from a distance. I opened the door and was met by a walk in closet. I nodded and closed the doors again. "I don't know about this..." I sighed. My mom looked confused. "There's still the attic." My mom said. That better be good. "I think you'll really like it." She said. I walked back to the stairs, and noticed another staircase going to the attic. I didn't notice it before. When I stood on the small hall of the attic. There were 3 doors. I opened the one on the left and saw that it was a really large walk in closet. I didn't even have that many clothes to fill all of this. I closed the door and opened the door across of the walk in closet. I was a bathroom, just as fancy as the one on the first floor. I smiled. This was great. But I really hope the bedroom will be just as great as the rest of this floor... I opened the last door and looked around. I like this. It was quite a large room. It looked like it were actually two rooms, where the wall was broken down. So now it was just one room. It was large, but not too large. The walls were dark grey, and the floor had a dark grey carpet. Too dark? Nope. There was white furniture through the whole room, which I really liked. I could imagine all the posters of my favorite bands hanging here... And I'll have my own bathroom. And a walk-in closet. Scratch that. "I'll have my own floor. That's just awesome. I thought we were gonna live in a crappy appartement, but I guess my mom really did save money. Or she used father's money for this. I didn't really care. "You like the room?" My mom asked and I nodded. "Yea. I can really imagine me spending time here." I said with a smile. "Great!" She said while clapping her hands. "Is there another room I haven't seen yet?" My mom was silent for a while. "Yes, the basement." Sarah said. My eyes widened. That couldn't be good... I think she saw my expression because she chuckled. "Don't worry. It's very modern. Not like American Horror Story or something." She said. "Not helping." I said and she shrugged. "Well, let's go there." She said. I followed her and mom downstairs, to the basement.

Sarah was right. There was seriously nothing wrong with it. It was just another hall, with 2 doors. One was a large storage room, and the other I had yet to discover. "So, the last owners loved music. Their son played in a band and they practised here." She said while opening the door and turning the light switch on. It was just a normal room, with black walls and a wooden floor. "This was used as a music room. The walls are soundproof, so you can also use it as an office, or something else." Sarah said and I nodded. "Cool. So I can listen to music as loud as I want here?" I asked and she chuckled. "It's not my fault if you lose your hearing." She said and I shrugged. Why does everyone keep telling me that? Just kidding, I knew. I followed her and my mom back upstairs, where Sarah gave me and my mom some coffee. Yes, I like coffee, and there's nothing wrong with that. "I'll leave you so you can discuss." Sarah said and walked out of the kitchen. "What do you think?" My mom said while pouring A LOT of sugar in her coffee. I nodded. "I actually really like it. Like, really, really." I said. "So if we'll buy this, you'll be okay with it?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll be more than okay with it." She smiled and drank her coffee while I was dipping the cookies Sarah gave us in my coffee.

I decided to go home already, while Sarah showed my mom the two other houses. I really liked this house, and I didn't think there would be a nicer one. But if my mom would like another one too, she will call me and I'll take a look. After I got my shoes off I walked upstairs, only to find Anna laying in the same position as I left her, and 2 episodes further. "Bought one already?" She asked. "Do you want me gone or something?" I joked. "Yea, you're a pain in the ass." She answered and I laid down next to her. "What happened?" I asked, talking about the last two episodes. "Previously, on The Walking Dead..." She begun.

The Voice (Luke Hemmings)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara