43. With Anna

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I woke up because Green Day was blasting through the speakers of my phone. "What the hell?" I groaned and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and saw that it was only my alarm clock. I turned it off and heard a groan from behind me. I froze. There was also something heavy lying on my sides. If it was Elliot because he drugged me I s2g I'll kick him in his nuts over and over again. I carefully turned around and let out a relieving breath when I saw that it was Luke. I smiled and pecked his nose to wake him up. "Second live shows todayyy." I sung. He opened his eyes and shot me a lazy smile while tightening his arms around me. "Good morning to you too." He said while leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled through the kiss and my hands found their way around his neck and into his hair. He groaned and I pulled away a little bit, before this went too far. He smiled and I pecked his lips before I hopped out of bed. Well, I wished it was that easy. I stumbled out of bed and almost fell. Oh, and in the process I managed to bump by little toe against the bed frame. So I'm currently hopping through the room in pain with my foot in my hand. Wasn't that just a great thing to start the day with...? Luke was laughing while still lying in bed, watching me. I narrowed my eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender. He chuckled and shook his head while he got out of bed. "I need coffee." I said to no one in particular. I walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. I turned on the device that could make this heavenly drink and waited for it to be done. "You want coffee?" I yelled to the bedroom, where Luke still was. "No thank you." He said from behind me. Guess he wasn't in the bedroom anymore. I turned around and saw him standing by the stove, making... Was that bacon? Dayum. My coffee was done and I poured it into a mug, poured some milk with it and added some sugar. Luke was multitasking and making eggs in another frying pan now too. It was kinda hot seeing him concentrating on the cooking in his pyjamas in my kitchen. "You want orange juice or something? Red-Bull?" I asked and he chuckled. "Orange juice." He said and I smiled. I poured some orange juice in a glass and sat it on the kitchen table. Luke turned off the stove and put the bacon and eggs onto two plates before joining me on the kitchen table. "Thank you." I said while he put the plate in front of me. We were both too tired to speak, so I was quietly sipping from my coffee and Luke was silently eating his bacon and eggs. "You know what always helps me to wake up?" Luke said suddenly and I raised my brow. "Well, you... You... I don't know." I gave up. He walked to the speakers and connected his phone with it. A few seconds later loud music blasted through the speakers. "What the hell?" I yelled over the music. "Believe me. You think you're going to get a headache, but it won't It'll wake you up in no-time." He said while sitting in front of me again while nodding along to a Sleeping With Sirens song. A few seconds later I found myself humming along. The music cheered me up. So I guess it's really working then. A new song started and I recognized it fast enough to let out the growl that Billie Armstrong did too. Luke's head snapped up and he shot me a what-the-hell-was-that look. "Ooh!" I sung. "Walking after dark, In the New York city park..." I sang further and Luke smiled brightly while looking up at me. "Your thoughts are so unholy in the holiest of holes..." Luke continued and I smiled.

"SOMEONE KILL THE DJ!" I sung loudly while doing all these weird dance moves through the kitchen. "SHOOT THE FUCKING DJ!" Luke sang after me. "SOMEONE KILL THE DJ, SHOOT THAT FUCKER DOWN!" We both yelled and bursted out laughing. My eyes wandered through the room until they stopped at the clock. "It's 11.40 already! Luke, we have to be there in 20 minutes!" I was running towards the bedroom. Luckily I didn't have to wear makeup or wear anything special, since I would get an outfit and a makeover there. I quickly changed from my pyjamas to a black top and dark grey joggers. I quickly grabbed a scarf while walking towards the kitchen again, to finish my breakfast. Luke was walking around too, collecting his things. Wait, pepper spray. "Luke! If Elliot decides to flirt with me again I'll use this!" I said while grabbing a can of pepper spray from my bag. Luke's eyes widened and he looked afraid. "So if I piss you off..." He said and I nodded. "Exactly." I said and chuckled at his expression. I put it in my bag and took a peppermint. After that I grabbed my car keys and quickly put my hair in a messy bun. I put on my Vans and waited for Luke at the door. "You go already. We have to go separate anyways." Luke said and I nodded. "Keys are on the kitchen counter." I said before walking over to him to kiss him. I pulled back before he could respond and walked to the door. "See ya there." I said with a wink and walked to the elevator.

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