14. Official

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I walked through the doors of the restaurant. Ben was probably in his office, or somewhere else the customers are not allowed to go. So I couldn't just walk in there. I spotted a petite girl with the restaurant's shirt on, so she was probably a waiter here. I walked towards her. "Hey. Um... Do you know where Ben is?" I asked. She looked at me up and down. "Ah! You're Skyler!" She said enthusiastic. I nodded. "I'm Delta! I was sick the last time and that's why my dad asked you." Ahh, this was Delta, Ben's daughter. "Oh hey! Yea, your dad actually asked me to become an official artist here..." I said. "Yea, I know. It's a shame Trevor found another job though..." She said. "I can imagine. I don't know the guy, but he seems cool." She smiled. "Yea, he is. He doesn't really talk much, he lets his brother, Jake, do all the talking." She chuckled. "Yea, I met Jake in the music store. He sold me my guitar actually." "Seriously? That's so funny. Have you seen him perform yet?" She asked. "Yea, he was there last week. He's really good." I said and Delta nodded. "Yea, I know. He's kinda my boyfriend." The last part she whispered. "Lucky you." I said and she chuckled. "I'm really looking forward to see you performing. I heard from Matt that you were 'amazing' and 'great' and he told me about you with a bit too much enthusiasm..." She said. I waved her off. "Pffhht. Nahh. I guess he just liked playing guitar or something like that." I said. She shook her head. "I do not think so." She said. Hm... He is really cute... "How old is he...?" I tried to ask very casually. She held her laugh back. "He'll be 18 next week. You're 16 right?" She said and I nodded. "Jupp. But wait... Are you guys twins? Because your father told me you'll be 18 next week too.." She smiled and nodded. "Jup, I'm older through. But 2 years is not that much... It could totally be possible..." She said. "Hey, staph it you." I said while punching her arm playfully and she laughed. "Hello ladies! What are you talking about?" Ben asked while walking towards us. Delta and I chuckled. "Not much." I said while she said: "Matt." She bursted out laughing. "You don't know how terrible it was! He was talking about you the whole day. And the day after. And yesterday he began again. If I told he you would be here he would come running." Ben said and I chuckled. But from the inside I didn't feel like chuckling. I felt like asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl. Yes, excactly that. "And you my friend, are furiously blushing." Ben said, which made me blush more. I laid both my hands on my cheeks, so they didn't see it anymore. Ben laughed while he indicated that I'd follow him.

After I filled all the papers in and made everything official, Ben patted me on the back. "Welcome to the Jones' Team." He said. It really felt good. I already knew 4 people here, and all of them were really nice. I would have to work 3 times in the week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 6 to 10pm. I could work from 2-6 pm too, but when school starts again in 2 weeks that wouldn't be possible, so I chose the 6-10 pm. And If someone else can't, I'd have to replace them. But I really didn't mind. I already knew I was gonna love this job. I'd have to learn more songs on the guitar though...

I walked through the hall back to the restaurant. Ben's office was at the end of the hall, and I had to walk past the kitchen. I looked inside and saw Matt standing there, already looking at me. I smiled at him and threw a piece sign up while winking. He just looked at me wide eyed. He was so cute, it was almost like... Like... I don't know. I don't think anything is cute. Except for him. He's really cute. I said goodbye to Delta and walked out of the restaurant, to the nearest store where they sold skateboards, so I won't have to walk to the restaurant anymore. It wasn't really far to walk, but with a skateboard it would be easier.

With a brand new skateboard in my hand I stepped out of the store. They had a lot. All different prices, all different backs. I had 71,35 to spend, but I didn't want to spend it all. Not for a skateboard, anyways. So I chose one for 40 dollars with just a black back, so I could spray paint different logo's on it, without it looking weird. So I bought a couple of cans with spray paint also. Let's do this.

I sat in the garden, waiting for the paint to dry. It looked really cool. There were logo's of different bands on it, like Crown The Empire, Blink-182, Muse, You Me At Six, Tonight Alive, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, and a lot more. It looked really awesome. I grabbed the skateboard carefully and placed in on the front porch, so I could dry overnight.

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