4. Screwed

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I walked into the kitchen while I yawned. My mom was cooking breakfast. Wait... My mom is cooking breakfast? Since when did she do that? "Special occasion?" I asked. She looked up and smiled sadly. "Nope." She said and whispered. "Your father is still at home and in a very bad mood, so don't do anything to piss him off okay?" I shrugged. "Father's still home? Wow, that's new." I whispered. I didn't want him to hear me. If he was in 'one of his moods' you don't want to say something wrong. Actually, you don't want to say anything at all. I grabbed a plate and laid 2 pieces of bread on it. I waited until my mom was done cooking, so I could cook myself. I was really craving bacon and scrambled eggs. "Christine! Where's my breakfast?!" I heard my father shout angrily. "Coming!" My mom said. She looked at me with pleading eyes. Ugh, she wanted my plate so she could give him breakfast faster. I rolled my eyes and pushed the plate in her direction. "Thanks." She said quickly before laying the bacon neatly on the pieces of bread and laying 2 pancakes beside it. I sighed and walked to the stove, cooking breakfast for mom and me.

I sat at the table across from my father as we both ate in silence. My mom said she wasn't hungry, so she was doing the dishes right now. My father just ate the last piece of bread he had. That means he's going to work and he'll be gone. "I want more." He said. I didn't look up from going through my Twitter feed because he was talking to my mom. Or not. He slapped my phone out of my hands and grabbed my wrist angrily. "What the hell?" I said. "I said, I'm still hungry. Go and make me some more." He said and I scoffed. "I'm not your pet. A 'yes please' would be appreciated." I shot back. That was when he stood up and shoved his plate from the table. I fell down and broke into pieces. My mom came rushing into the room, looking worried. "What's going on?" She said panicked. "That bitch won't make me breakfast!" My father shouted. I can't fucking believe this. How old was he again? Fucking old enough to make his own breakfast, that's for sure. "Don't worry, you can have mine, okay?" My mom calmed him down. He looked at me angrily as he sat down again. I smirked and walked away from them. I slammed the front door behind me and made my way to school.

While I was humming along to Man On A Wire by The Script my phone buzzed. Quinn just texted me.

Quinn: Hey! How are you?

Me: Things could be better... You?

Quinn: Same... I actually have something to tell you.

Me: Whadup?

Quinn: I told my mom yesterday and after I told her she broke up with my dad.

Quinn: *Our dad.

Me: Woww, good for you! The both of you. Wish I could say the same...

Quinn: Haven't told her yet?

Me: No, I wanted to tell her this morning, but my father was still home. So I'll do it when school's out.

Quinn: I noticed you don't call him dad... Why?

Me: He's not my dad. With a dad I picture a nice man who cares about his family. So nope. I'll call him father.

Quinn: Ah okay. I guess it makes sense. And I think he was home because he didn't have us to go to... And he was probably pissed, wasn't he?

Me: Yea, probably bc your mom broke up with him... So are you staying at a hotel or something?

Quinn: No, at my grandma's house. My mom's mom. It's on the other side of LA. I actually never met her. Our dad didn't want me to, so now she's spoiling me... But my mom's looking for a house or apartment in this neighborhood.

Me: Ahaha, that's nice. I hope my mom will move out too.

Quinn: I hope so too.

Quinn: My grandma is calling for breakfast, I better go. Good luck with telling your mom.

Me: Thanks. Good luck with... life :p

Quinn: Ahahah, you too :)

I smiled as I walked through the school doors. Quinn is really nice. I guess I could even call her my friend now. It sounds better then half-sister, that's for sure. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for the day. "Will Skyler Mitchell please come to the principle's office? Skyler Mitchell, principal's office." The voice of the bored administration lady said through the telecom speakers that were set up through the whole school. I slowly closed my locker and slammed my head against it. Fuck. What if they found out that I was hacking in the school system? I'll be suspended. For a couple of days, at least. And if my father hears it... He'll go berserk on me. Fuck. I turned around and saw many pairs of eyes looking at me curiously. I get it. What could have Skyler Mitchell done to go to the principle's office? She was the history nerd right? I took a deep breath and walked to the principal's office with confidence. But that confidence faded when I saw my father talking to the principle through the glass door of her office. Well, fuck.

Luckily there were two rooms next to the principle's office. One that led to a small hall that led outside for the parents, and one for the students. So I wouldn't have to face my father before going in there... "Skyler? You may come in now." I heard the principle say. I walked into her office and looked around. Funny how I've never been here, but always doing things that were against the rules. "So, I think you already know why you're here." She said and I looked confused. "Um.. I'm afraid that I don't." I said. I'm sure I can't get out of this, but it was worth a try. "Don't play this game with me Skyler, we have lots of evidence." She said. I crossed my arms and sat back. "Fine, let's get this over with." She narrowed her eyes. "You know this is a very serious situation? You should be happy we didn't call the police!" She said. I shrugged. "I am." I said simply. "I just don't get it. Your grades were fine. They weren't the best, but why change them?" She asked. It was silent for a while. "Personal reasons." I said while looking at her. "Now, for how long am I suspended?" I asked and she shook her head. "You're not suspended." My brows shot up. What? "You're not longer welcome in this school, or it's grounds. I'm afraid you'll have to find another school. That is, if they let you in. After the stunt you pulled." She said with a grin. What a bitch. I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck you. Fuck this school. I'm already kicked out, so whatever." Okay, I overreacted. But it was fun. I walked out of her office and slammed the door behind me. I gently pushed the lady behind the administration desk away and used the telecom. "Can Lori and Jenn please go to the principal's office, right now. Just run, I don't care." I said through it. I didn't care that the whole school could hear me. "And to the rest of y'all, Fuck you. And to all the teachers: When your students keep getting low grades, it's not their fault. That probably means you're a shitty teacher. Just wanted to clear that up. Oh, and all your lessons were fucking boring. Screw you. Goodbye and have a nice fucking day." I turned the telecom off and the administration lady was looking at me with wide eyes "I'm already kicked out, so there's nothing to lose now, is there?" I grinned. I heard footsteps and when I turned around I saw Lori and Jenn looking at me very confused. "What the hell is going on?" Lori asked. "Okay. I might've hacked into the school system several times to change my grades. But now they know what I did, so I'm being kicked out. Can't come back anymore..." I said and they gasped. "What the hell? That's so badass!" Jenn said while she hugged me. "But that means we won't see each other in school again..." I nodded. "Yea, I guess... But we can meet up in the vacation sometime?" Lori hugged me too and nodded. "Yea, we will. And that was so funny, you had to see the teachers faces when you told them that they were shitty. Hilarious." I chuckled. "Skyler Quinn Mitchell, you come with me right now." I heard an angry father behind me say. I turned around and there he stood. The devil. Just kidding, he only came close. "I better go. I'll see you guys sometime ok?" I said and they nodded. My father grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car. This has happened way too often. You know the drill: Silent car ride, home, full name, shouting, beating... But I guess the beating will be worse now.... Fuck. I just hoped that he wouldn't go so far I had to pretend to be unconscious. Because I know he won't stop this time.

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