Chapter 12

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The following morning I had to take Derek's shirt and pants off to make sure last night would be more believable. I made sure to take a shower inside the penthouse before he woke up. I wouldn't want him to join. After all, I never wanted to take this course on the mission that involved me seducing Derek.

I didn't pack the appropriate clothes. I also had carried a backpack instead of a suitcase which limited the amount of clothes I carried. I pulled out a pair of black leggings and a white hoodie, almost like Jeff's outfit. I was inside the penthouse so there was no need for shoes, just socks.

I sat on Derek's bed crossed-legged, waiting for him to wake up. I had no idea what today would include, but today I had to find out more information about his secret organization especially about the "shipment" the girl referred to.

The sun-rays from the window on the left side had hit Derek, causing him to stir in his sleep. In a matter of seconds, he woke up and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Morning beautiful," he greeted me with his morning voice while he shut his eyes closed.

"Good morning handsome."

He opened one of his eyes to look at the clothing I had worn. "You woke up early and took a shower without me? I'm hurt."

I rolled my eyes, "Not my fault I'm an early bird."

"I am too, but I enjoyed myself last night. I guess that's the reason why I slept in." He then sat up and stretched his arms.

I wanted to smirk so badly. Offender's venom had indeed worked, making my mission easier.

"Well, I'm going to take a quick shower before we start our day." He gave a light peck on my forehead before going to his closet.

"You know you're kissing a stranger. We barely have known each other for 12 hours," I reminded him

He turned to look at me with a pair of black sweats and a white hoodie in his hands. It had matched my outfit.

"I'm well aware of that darling. After today, I don't think we'll be strangers but something more." He then proceeded to walk to the bathroom. He had turned on the shower faucet which made me feel relieved.

I stuck out my tongue in disgust at the choice of words I used. Handsome? I barely have met the guy and he's already kissing me.

I detangled my hair in distress. I had to remind myself that this mission was temporary and as soon as I know it, I will be back in the mansion doing regular missions.

In a matter of 10 minutes, he had finished and had worn the outfit he picked.

"You know I'm glad I finally met a girl who doesn't expect me to wear suits and expensive clothing just because I'm rich. I haven't worn a pair of sweats in ages." He was about to grab a pair of shoes but stopped to look at me. "What shoes are you wearing?" I raised both of my eyebrows.

"White converse, why?" He smirked and pulled out a pair of white converse.

"You want us to match that bad?" I chuckled.

"Can't I?" He then noticed my black backpack which worried me if he was suspicious. "That's all you have?"

I shrugged. "What can I say? I was verbally abused by my grandparents after my parents died and I had to leave as soon as possible." I explained. "I didn't bring much because I only had a backpack."

His expression saddened. "Well, I'm taking you out shopping today."

No, I just want to learn about the stupid secret organization

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