Chapter 23

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The H/C seven-year-old girl ran to her room as some tears fell off her eyes. She quietly shut her door before sitting with her back leaning against the wall.

It had been another stressful day of training. Despite her turning seven today, Slenderman still required long hours of training. Today she was taught how to lock up her mind in front of his presence. She was able to master it in a day which was impressive considering it usually takes months to even make a small amount of progress.  She thought maybe he would be considerate enough to give her a day off. Especially because it was her birthday. She was too hopeful though. When she suggested it, he scoffed and gave her much harsher training. She was unable to shoot a bullet directly at the bullseye. Slenderman took out all his anger on the poor innocent child. His words were so harsh that they traumatized the young girl.

"Why am I so weak?" she cried as she covered her face with her arms. 

"I can help you become stronger, young one." She heard six voices speak at the same time. She looked up and saw a demon who had seven mouths sitting on the edge of her bed. For some reason, she wasn't afraid of him. She had already met four faceless creatures after all.

"How?" she asked as she wiped her tears. She had hoped he didn't see her crying. "And who are you?"

The demon patted a spot on her bed, signaling her to sit next to him. She didn't hesitate to sit beside him.

"My name is Zalgo and I'm your friend. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to master the ability to lock up your mind."

The girl tilted her head in confusion. How was he aware of her ability? 

"My presence cannot be known to our dear friend Slenderman. If he were to know about my presence, I shall no longer assist you in becoming stronger."

The girl widened her eye before shaking her head. "I promise not to tell Slenderman or my uncles about it Mr. Zalgo. I really want to get strong because I want Slenderman to be proud of me."

Zalgo paid close attention to her as he combed her hair with his fingers. He smirked at the last sentence that she said. 

"Oh young one, it doesn't matter if he's proud of you or not. What matters most is my thoughts about you."

"What do you mean Mr. Zalgo?" She asked as she kept her gaze on him.

"Y/N, you will be mine, meaning you'll be working for me in the future. I'm just gonna give you a push before I leave and come back to you. That reminds me, happy birthday little one."

The seven-year-old furrow her eyebrows. "How do you know my name and birthday? And I can't work for you because I work for Slenderman."

He caressed her cheek as he nodded his head. "I'm aware you're working for him, but as soon as he's dead, you'll be working for me."

"You didn't answer my question, sir," the girl looked at him directly in the eyes. She noticed how six of his mouths would open as he's talking while the seventh one was shut.

He smirked noticing how clever the girl was. "I'm a demon, I know everything about everyone including you. As far as I'm concerned, Slenderman won't be an issue in the future."

The girl stood there quiet for a few seconds as she processed the whole thing. The demon in front of her claimed he's her friend and will help her get stronger. She'll be working for him in the future when Slenderman dies.

"How can you help me get stronger?" She whispered. "Slenderman told me I'm weak and I can't do anything right. I'm gonna die while I'm training."

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