Chapter 22

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"I was Slenderman's first proxy."

For a few seconds, I swore time stopped. I couldn't hear the wind blowing or the leaves rustling. I even forgot I was still in the middle of a mission.

"What?" I whispered as I was still processing what he had just confessed. Part of me wanted to believe I indeed had heard it wrong.

"I know it's probably hard to believe, especially for you. I was his proxy before you were born and I still was when you arrived in the mansion."

I shook my head in disbelief. "That can't be possible plus it would mean you're in your late 20s or 30s. You look like you're my age."

"I'm immortal, I don't age."

Immortal. I've heard that term a lot for today.

I kept shaking my head as I stood up. He raised his hand in protest, probably thinking my wound wasn't completely healed. Luckily, it was.

"This whole discussion was stupid. I shouldn't have lied to Slenderman!" I yelled in frustration as I placed my hands on my head. I knew I was going to pay the price for lying to him. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Your instinct told you not to tell him. Think about it, it must have been for a reason." He got up and took a step forward. "How do you think I knew where your room was located? How do you think I know your name and Slenderman and Zalgo! How do you think I got my abilities!"

I turned around to glare at him. He wasn't going to fool me. "If you were indeed his first proxy then what happened? Why aren't you still with him?"

As if he debated on whether to tell me or not, he was silent for a few seconds.

"I discovered that Slenderman wasn't the man who he states he was. I learned what his true intentions were and I had to escape for my safety," he answered.

"Then what are you doing here!" I yelled again. "If he's your enemy, why stay here and help me when I replaced you, assuming you're not lying!"

"Because I need to protect you! You're his next victim!" He yelled out in distress.

Before I could ask him why he already answered my question.

"He wants you dead. The clear evidence is your mortality. The others are immortal. He wants you dead for some reason! Think about it, he would want his strongest proxy by his side forever. Why run the risk of you possibly dying instead of giving you the gift of immortality like the others?"

Part of me wanted to believe him but the other part didn't. His reasoning made sense but at the same time, we were talking about Slenderman. A man who I have been serving for almost my whole life. Who cares if he wanted to kill me? He had the right to considering he let me live when my parents wanted me to starve to death in the forest. I owed him my life.

"What's something only a Creepypasta would know?" I broke the silence. If he could answer that, chances were he was not lying.

"We all have his symbol on our right arm. Not to mention the mark is black. It's not a tattoo nor is it a burned mark. It's a way of saying you belong to him and not Zalgo. Oh, and Zalgo returned from his ten-year nap. This gives him a century for him to be completely awake without needing to rest."

I kept my monotone expression but I was concerned on the inside. There was actually a possibility this guy wasn't lying.

Before I had the chance to speak, I heard my name being shouted out by Toby nearby. Realization hit me when I remembered they had to catch the intruder.

"We're not done having this conversation Zen," I warned him.

"Trust me, I wasn't planning on it. Take care Y/N and stop getting injured," he looked at me with a concerned look.

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