Chapter 36

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I groaned as I felt the sun rays hit my eyelids. I slowly opened my eyes and glared at the curtains that weren't completely closed. A sigh escaped from my lips before I threw my bedsheets away. My eyes widen as I realized I was wearing my proxy uniform. I would always change into my nightclothes to sleep so why was I wearing this?

All of a sudden, I heard screaming and weapons clattering from outside. I ran up towards the windows and gasped at the scene in front of me.

The pastas were fighting Zalgo just outside the mansion and it seemed that they were losing since most of the pastas were bleeding on the floor.

As if Zalgo felt my stare, he looked up at me with a smirk before disappearing. I panicked as I tried to look for him throughout the window.

The pastas met my gaze at the same time before they all ran into the mansion. I was confused why they wouldn't search for him until I realized where Zalgo had teleported.

"It seems that my sleeping beauty has finally awoken."

My gaze slowly moved towards the smirking demon behind me. As if I was in a trance, I couldn't move my body. He slowly walked up towards me before he reached his hand to caress my cheek. He gently raised my chin to make me look at him.

For an instance, I forgot he was my enemy. I felt like I was secure around him. I felt he wouldn't hurt me and would protect me at all costs. I was his...

Slenderman slammed the door open before he tried to run towards us. Zalgo immediately looked at him and wrapped his hand around my waist. His trance on me was broken up, but it was too late because Zalgo and I disappeared before Slenderman could get us.

My eyes snapped open as I realized it was all a nightmare. Since I woke up an hour before breakfast, I decided to take a quick shower to try to calm my nerves. It was in vain though seeing as I couldn't brush that thought away.  I placed my proxy uniform on before waking up Sally. It seemed that she forgot about today's battle for a second seeing as she smiled before realizing I had my uniform on.

Breakfast was dead silent. No one spoke a word to anyone with the ongoing tension in the atmosphere, not even Jeff or Splendor. It was safe to say everyone was extremely nervous. Most of them haven't seen what Zalgo looked like or what he was capable of. I couldn't blame them though, it's not every day when you battle the lord of the under realm.

Once I was done with breakfast, I headed back to my room to put on some knives on my thigh straps. Sally had joined to watch me get ready. She sat on the edge of my bed as she kicked her legs in the air.

"Sally, if you want, you can go with the others and wish them well," I said noticing that she was bored.

"Alright." She got up and left my room as she shut the door.

I was zipping my jacket when I saw Zen in the background through the mirror.

"She's adorable. I'm guessing that's Sally?"

I turned around to face before inhaling. "Jesus Christ Zen. You know you can't be here, especially since Slenderman is here."

He shrugged. "I had to see you again to wish you good luck." Although he tried his best to conceal it, I heard his voice crack.

"Zen," I whispered. "I promise I'll come back alive and when I do, we're leaving."

He avoided looking at me in the eye as he nodded. "You and I both know you can die Y/N. It's the under realm for Zalgo's sake."

I didn't respond seeing as he was right. I've fought humans and succeeded, but most of the time I've failed when it came to Zalgo. He's stronger in the under realm and the other's immortality vanishes which can result in their deaths. If one of them were killed, I don't know how I would react. I fear rage would consume me which will result in me making a mistake and getting killed.

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