Chapter 29

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The proxies and I parted ways to our rooms. When I was near mine, I heard laughter coming from Sally's room. I was about to open my door until I overheard their discussion.

"No!" Sally screamed "You guys can't do that to me! I want a rematch!"

"Sally," Splendor chuckled. "My brothers and I added a plus-four card each so you, my dear, have to pick up twelve cards from the deck."

"That's not fair!" She whined.

I stared at the black door in front of me as I recalled the times I used to play Uno with the Splendor brothers.

"Uno," I yelled before hiding my wild card on my chest. I knew I had a high chance that I was going to win if none of the brothers placed a drawing card. It seemed luck wasn't on my side because Offender smirked before placing a plus-four card on the stack.

I gulped as I looked at Trender. Either he picked up four cards or he was going to stack another plus-four card. He chuckled before shaking his head, "I'm sorry brother but it appears you will have to draw eight cards," he said as he placed his card on top of Offender's.

I nervously looked at Splendor and his two remaining cards. Either he draws eight cards or he places another plus-four card so he would have a card remaining and I would draw twelve.

"Y/N, do you have a plus four?" he asked with a smile.

"Uh," I looked down at my wild card.

Maybe if I admit that I don't he'll draw eight cards and let me win.

"No," I responded.

He grinned before speaking, "Then I apologize for what I'm about to do, my dear." He placed a plus-four card before leaning back in his chair in amusement.


I opened my mouth in shock as I processed what just happened. "What!" I yelled. "That's unfair!!"

"Y/N!" Slenderman yelled. I had to cover my ears since he had yelled in my mind. He then teleported next to me before shaking his head.

"You need to train."

"But it's raining outside and I'm having fun with my uncles!" I whined.

Slenderman forcefully grabbed my shoulder and teleported us to the training room before his brothers could protest in front of him.

"Must I remind you that they are not your uncles and training won't wait! Do you want to remain the weak human that you are!" He shook my shoulders as he spoke.

"N-no," I cried.

"For Zalgo's sake, stop crying! Emotions make you vulnerable, remember? Do you want to show your enemy that you're weak?"

I shook my head since I didn't want him to hear my cries. He was right. I wasn't related to them by blood and therefore I didn't have a right to call them, my uncles. I had to take training more seriously if I wanted to kill Zalgo when he woke up in a few years.

I sighed as I gently opened my door and shut it once I was inside. I took off my hoodie and threw it on my bed as I walked to the mirror. My fingertips slowly went down at the hem of my black tank top before pulling it up just so I can inspect the wound. I widened my eyes at the sight of it. The stitch had become undone and some blood was coming out.

"What happened?" A soft voice came out of nowhere. I looked up through the reflection of the mirror and saw Zen standing there, a few feet away from me.

Proxy in Command (Creepypasta X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now