Chapter 1

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Running. That's all the petite ginger-haired girl could ever think of. What started as an innocent walk into the forest, led to a suicide trap.

She stopped behind a tree and used her mouth to hide her breaths. Immediately, she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a young female with a black assassin uniform.

"Help me! Someone is trying to kill me," she desperately begged.

The young assassin looked at her with worried but nodded. "Don't worry miss, I know a place where we could hide"

Not after a few minutes of running, they finally stopped near a cliff with an ocean underneath.

"Miss I don't understand. Where are we?" The petite girl asked.

The assassin who was behind her lowered her mouth mask and smirked, "You poor soul, didn't your mother teach you not to talk to strangers?"

The redhead widens her eyes and took a few steps back, getting closer to the cliff. "It was you! You were the one the tried to shoot me"

The assassin nodded her head and held a dagger behind her back while making her way towards her. "You should have known not to trespass my master's forest"

The assassin looked down at the girl with a smirk. The girl, however, started crying. "I'm sorry please don't kill me!"

The assassin softens her eyes, "Of course I won't." In a blink of an eye, she stabbed the girl right in the chest. She pulled the knife out and saw her helpless features.

She grinned at the sight in front of her, "Of course I won't hesitate to kill you". She grabbed her victim's collar and started to drag her at the end of the cliff.

"P-please d-don't do this!"

The assassin rolled her eyes and threw her off the cliff, watching her victim fall from 20 feet to the ocean. She turned around with a smirk on her face and started to walk slowly towards home.

Oh, who's that badass assassin you might ask? Well, it's me, Y/N L/N, or the soon to be Proxy in Command.

I was saved by Slenderman 17 years ago and my repayment is by serving him. He taught me the survival skills that I needed to know for me to do his missions. I also know the forest like the back of my hand.

The mansion that I call home was now in sight. I only lived with my boss and occasionally his brothers would visit us. 

I opened the door to the mansion and quietly closed them. I then made my way towards Slenderman's office to report my kill back in the forest. Once I was in front of his office, I knocked on the door and waited for his response.

"Come in"

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door.  I stared directly at Slenderman but in the corner of my eye, I saw his three brothers on the right.

Once I was near his desk, I got down on one knee and looked down. "I successfully killed the intruder sir."

He nodded his head. "Good job Y/N, once again you didn't fail me."

I only bowed again which made Splenderman chuckle. "Y/N it's been ages since we last saw you"

I looked at Slender to get his approval. He nodded which gave me permission to stand up and look at Splender. "That's because you haven't visited Splender"

Trenderman then walked up to me and looked at my outfit. "I for one say that outfit looks marvelous on you darling"

"Yeah, it enhances your beauty young one," Offenderman said while offering me a light pink rose.

"Offender, you better not be giving my proxy one of your popular roses," Slender warned him

"Of course not brother. When I saw this rose, it reminded me how Y/N is so pure," he explained while giving it to me.

I thanked Offender and looked back at Slenderman.

"That is all, you're dismissed"

I bowed again and made my way outside his office. Once I closed the door, I overheard their conversation.

"Slendy, she's practically like your daughter since you raised her. Why do you still treat her as if she's your servant?" That voice sounded like Splender.

"She owes me her life that's why she serves me. She's just my Proxy and soon to be Proxy in Command, nothing more and nothing less"

I backed away from the door with a pain sensation on my chest. I didn't know what this feeling was. Was it hurt? It felt like someone stabbing me.

I went to the kitchen to find a vase where I could put my rose in.

"She's just my Proxy and soon to be Proxy in Command, nothing more and nothing less"

His words echoed throughout my head.

I filled water into the vase and made my way towards my room. All the empty rooms in the hallway would soon be filled by other Creepypastas in the future. I knew I wasn't going to be alone with Slenderman soon.


Dinner soon came and I had the privilege to sit next to my master who was at the head of the table. My left side consisted of Splendor while Trender sat in front of me and Offender was on his right. Slenderman made us soup to eat seeing as winter was around the corner.

I carefully blew on my spoon so the soup wouldn't be hot.

"I'm afraid to have to tell you this but Zalgo will be awakened from his sleep in a few days," Slender announced.

Splendor and I dropped our spoons onto the bowls with a shocked expression. Slenderman didn't have a face but I knew he glared at us.

"Brother, are you sure?" Trender asked in which he nodded.

Zalgo would stay awake for years but then sleep for 10. During those 10 years, he dreams of ways to achieve his goals. The last time I saw him I was 7.

"Do you know if he's after you?" I asked him.

Slender nodded, " Y/N, your time has come. All those years of training will hopefully help you with your upcoming missions to gather my army. I've decided you will be gathering the proxies first and then the others. Hopefully, by then, my proxies will help you gather more Creepypastas."

Ever since I was little, Slenderman would always tell me it would be my job to gather his army and now the moment is here.

I looked at Slenderman in his "eyes" and nodded, "I won't let you down sir"

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