Chapter 28

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The stars filled up the sky along with the full moon. Everything was so peaceful, There were no sounds in the forest besides my breathing. I couldn't help but enjoy these times. I didn't have any missions or responsibilities to carry out. Although one question remained.

Why was I outside?

The familiar mansion was in sight; however, what caught my attention were two figures on the ground. One of them was too tall to be a human- Slenderman!

I sprinted towards him and soon the scene was clear. A child had stabbed him in the heart.

"Slenderman!" I yelled as I got down to try to stop the bleeding. Slenderman didn't make any movement. He was dead.

The child had a black hood up so I couldn't see their facial features.

"The mission was a success, master," she muttered before turning back to walk away.

"Who do you work for!" I yelled as I gently dropped Slenderman's body and stood up to face her back.

Zalgo all of a sudden popped up next to her and carried her with his arm. He turned around to smirk at me. The girl took off her hood and soon I recognized her e/c eyes. Her expression made me believe she was dead. There was no emotion in her despite her just killing an immortal creature.

I stood there speechless with my mouth agape.

All of a sudden, all the trees and the mansion were lit on fire. I felt a sharp pain in my chest which caused me to fall on my knees. I looked down and saw that I was bleeding where my heart was located.

Since when was I stabbed?

Zalgo chuckled at me before throwing the younger me into the lit trees. I widen my eyes as I watched her body slowly burn as she screamed in pain. 

Screams from behind me were then heard. I grunted in pain as I turned around and saw every Creepypasta with a stab wound in the same place. I didn't understand what was happening. Why were we wounded at the same place Slenderman was?

I felt Zalgo bent down and whisper into my ear.

"They all fall down."

My eyes shot open as I let out a huge gasp. Immediately I was hit with a sharp pain on the side of my stomach and a wet sensation on my forehead.

"You're finally awake."

My eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness and I finally was able to see my surroundings. I was still on the same couch that I was laying after I had been shot, but now I had a blanket. A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace which explained the warmth in the room. A small blue bowl was located on the wooden table next to me which kind of explained why I had a small towel placed on my forehead. Masky had been sitting on the black armchair that was next to the couch that I had been laying on. I saw his facial features seeing as his mask was placed on the table.

"Did you guys kill him?" I asked with a raspy voice. My throat was dry.

Masky grabbed a cup of water on the table and walked up to me. He bent down to carefully help me sit up to drink it. I flinched as the pain started to kick in again.

"The others exterminated his body. They're currently sleeping in the bedroom while we're both here." He explained.

He grabbed the towel on my forehead before dipping it in water. "You know you scared us back there. After you passed out, you got a terrible fever and wouldn't stop shivering and mumbling." He explained as he squeezed the water out of the towel before gently placing it back on my forehead.

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