Chapter 19

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"Mo, my paycheck is off" Zuri bum rushed Mo as she walked into the store.

Mo looked around the store seeing that there were customers currently shopping. She eyed Zuri "Come too my office" She spoke through gritted teeth.

Usually on a Saturday Mo was up and ready too get her day started, being that her store was busiest on those days. Mo just wasn't feeling herself today, she threw up three times this morning, she just let Lee take Zuri to work. She didn't even feel like coming in.

The two walked into Monet's office. Mo sat down removing her trench coat. It was raining heavy outside.

"Zuri you do understand that this is a place of business right?" Mo asked as she rubbed her head.

Zuri nodded her head.

"So why would you ever think its right to run up on me when I just walked in the store and yell something like that out?" She leaned over the desk.

Zuri sighed "I don't know I just was angry and-" -- "And nothing, we live in the same damn house you could've asked me anywhere why in front of anyone?" Mo raised her voice.

Zuri sunk into her chair feeling embarrassed.

Mo closed her eyes "You took a day off last week, that's why your check is off Zuri" Mo informed her.

Zuri bit her lip "Oh im sorry I really forgot" She apologized.

Mo stale faced her "Get out of my office, send Shanice in here" She told Zuri as she fixed the clutter of paper on her desk.

Shanice walked in sitting down in the seat in front of Mo.

Mo let out a faint smile "You know you haven't took a day off yet?" Mo asked as she placed her hands on the desk in front of her.

Shanice shrugged her shoulder "Can't afford too, I need as many hours as I can get, plus Christmas coming up and all and I'm about to make the last two payments on my new apartment" She sighed.

Mo tilted her head "You didn't even take off Thanksgiving" Mo responded.

"It's fine the girls were with their family that's all that really matters." She smiled.

Mo had more than enough to give, Shanice had earned everything that was being given too her, it warmed Mo's heart too see her getting where she wanted too be.

"How about I give you a paid week off" Mo insisted.

Shanice scoffed "Are you serious" She asked showing off her straight pearly whites.

"Yes I am, now get out of here and enjoy your week" Mo shoo'd her away.

Shanice got up handing over a folder to Mo "These are some, uh designs I came up with hopefully you can look through them and let me know if you like them" She walked out.

Mo leaned back in her chair, she so badly wanted to rest but she had so much too finish up today.


Lee was trying to keep himself occupied in anyway he could, Mo had him in the doghouse right now. She had him sleeping on the couch, and she wouldn't let him touch her.

Leon's mom taught him how too cook when he was younger, so he decided now was a perfect time to finally use the skill.

Tonight he prepared Parmesan Risotto and Roasted shrimp.

Mo walked in the door, "It smells good in here" Mo yelled out

"Ouu Lee I aint know you cooked too" Zuri's eyes popped out of her face.

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