Chapter 18

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Mo sat in her parked car. She couldn't help but too think of the situation that just unfolded in front of her. Leon was supposed too be her lover, yet he couldn't even defend her when she needed it. He had her looking stupid in front of all his family. 

She fixed her makeup, grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She placed a faint smile on walking up to Diem's parents house. 

"Hey Mo" Zuri smiled at the door. 

"Hey mama"Diem smiled as she walked up to Mo with Kai in her arms. 

Chump walked out stopping in her tracks, "Either you been drinking a little bit too much beer or you pregnant" She placed her hands over her mouth. 

"3 months" Mo smiled. 

"God if this is a sign that im next just say that" Essi frowned. 

The three laughed "You know in this past year, we all been through so much we haven't even hung out like we used too" Diem sighed. 

"I agree, no dinner dates, no movie nights we all just so busy." Essi agreed. 

Mo shook her head "With everything going on in this world all I need at the end of the day are yall, we need too make some type of weekly meet up or something not just getting together on holidays" Mo exclaimed. 

"Girl you right" Diem spoke. 

"Now let me hold my nephew" Mo clasped her hands together. 

Diem passed Kai "Where is Lee, you know Black and Von over here" she asked curiously. 

Mo didnt want too dwell on her problems right now she just wanted to be surrounded by people she knew and loved. 

"Oh his mom needed some extra help I just told him too stay" She lied. 

"Okay well come on in all our parents here" Essi said waving her hand.


"Remember that time we went too six flags and Cassidy didn't want to get on because she just swore up and down that her shoes would fly off" Kaila and Lee sat at the dinner table reminiscing of their childhood. 

Everyone had left the house and Lee felt he should stay at his Mom's too give Mo some space. 

"She aint change not one bit" Lee chuckled. 

Kaila sighed "Times were so much more simple back then" She stood up too grab a drink out of the fridge. 

Leon watched her walk away. Kaila wasn't a skinny girl, she had cake for days. She had a pudge but it went just right with her full shape. She was now in her night clothes, considering it was 12 am. She had on nike black spandex shorts and a white wife beater. 

She turned around catching his eyes. 

She smirked "What you looking at Lee Lee".

Leon caught himself "Oh nothing I- I just thought you was gone get me sum to drink too we been sitting here for a whole two hours" He licked his lips. 

She smiled going back over to the refrigerator too grab Lee a drink, this time bending over. 

Lee's buddy woke up in his pants. 

"Here you go" She placed the can down on the counter. 

"Precipitate it" He mumbled while opening the can. 

"So gotta baby on the way huh?" She spoke while taking a sip of her soda. 

Lee smiled thinking about Mo "Yeah hoping it's a boy" He said. 

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