Chapter 7

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" Man what the hell you talking about " Lee stood there in his living room, agitated with the phone call he just received.

Apparently, Kee walked into work today too open the shop up & everything was ruined. The windows were bussed open, the shoes on the racks were now stolen.

Lee rubbed his head. He was hurt, he was trying too get his self out of the drug life, but things like this were pulling him in deeper. The niggas in his hood just couldn't seem too see him prosper. They wanted him to devote his life too selling drugs, & thats not what Lee wanted too do.

" The cops there ?" Lee asked putting his sneakers on.

" Yeah man, they asking for the owner " Kee responded.

" Alright i'm on the way " Lee said walking out the door.



Times right now, were good for Monet. Her business sales were doing so good & she was making extra money, so much that she didn't know what too do with it but put it up.

Monet was now thinking bigger & better, she had people reaching out too her about opening a store instead of doing everything online.

Monet thought about it, & realized it wouldn't be a bad idea too open up a shop.

She got right on it, asking Diem for properties she could use.

Monet's time was now devoted only too her work & she started realizing she would need help, which is why opening a shop would give her that. She would be able too get workers & her very own assistant.

She was even starting too become a celebrity out her in Atl. People were emailing her asking if she could host parties in their clubs & all.

Partying wasn't exactly Mo's thing, only on special occasions but she was keeping it in mind because it just meant more money for her.

" Hey stitches you wanna treat buddy " Mo asked in her baby voice.

Stitches jumped up and down excitedly.

Mo had been trying too get in touch with Lee all since last week & she wasn't exactly able too.

This made her worried & being away from him also made her realize something.

She liked Lee.

Monet never had a actual relationship, she felt she never had time for them. But, some time in life she knew she would find someone worthy of her time.

She strongly felt that person was Leon. But, he gave her mixed feelings & she wasn't a dumb girl she knew she had too keep her options open.

Which is why she was talking too someone new.

Mo met Kaiser when she was looking for boys too shoot for her clothing line.

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