I laughed. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

"Yeah. That." He was laughing too.

"I'm going to pack now. Ty's picking us up at 10 a.m. and then we'll touch down just about three o'clock."

"Hola, Cancún!"

"Hola, señoritas!" I called as I walked into the house.

Flying into Cancún you could see the ocean, and the landing strip was next to a mangrove. As we stood in the baggage line, I couldn't wait to get on the beach and relax with a cold beer. I could close my eyes and see the palm trees and the bikini-clad women that would be sunning themselves.

There was traffic on the way to the resort, but nothing compared to the stop and go that was so common in Atlanta. Tyrese and Abraham were talking with the shuttle driver, but I was focused on the scenery. We drove past palm trees, rocky terrain, scattered businesses, pieced together shacks, and million-dollar oceanfront resorts. Trucks flew past us and families balanced on motorcycles. It was always an adjustment when I came back to Mexico. It was a different world, and I loved it.

We checked in, accepting the complimentary glass of champagne while they did our paperwork. I loved all-inclusive resorts, there was nothing better than welcoming your guests with a glass of alcohol. We got the wristbands that would allow us access to the resort and all of its amenities, and Abraham started whining about tan lines.

I lost count of the beers that I drank the first-afternoon thanks to Tyrese and Abraham. It seemed like as soon as I had a quarter of a beer gone, another would appear. It was hot as hell, and I didn't want my beer to get warm, so I'd finish the first one and move on to the next. It was a vicious cycle, but I wasn't complaining.

We headed to the room to shower before dinner, and Tyrese called home to check in with his girlfriend. We went to the buffet for dinner, which was good, but it was just necessary to fuel for our night ahead at the dance club. Abraham had met a girl by the pool and was already plotting his way into her pants. There were some beautiful girls at the resort, but none caught my eye.

When we made it to the club, I headed to the bar for the first round. What I found there surprised me for several reasons. First, I was surprised that there was a woman behind the bar because stereotypically, waiters and bartenders at the resorts I'd visited were males. Secondly, her face, perfect, the shape of her sultry eyes, lusciously kissable lips, and mega-watt smile. She's dark-skinned, beautifully so, with long russet braided hair; she looked more like a guest on vacation, not a staff member. On top of that, her voice blew me away. She went from speaking rapid-fire Spanish like a native with the bar staff to dripping southern charm when she took orders from tourists.

Our eyes met and she grinned at me. "What can I get ya'll?"


"Modelo," Tyrese said over my shoulder.

"Two, Please" I added quickly, ordering a beer for myself. Shit. I thought she'd been focused on me.

She put her elbows on the bar and looked into my eyes, "No tequila?"

"Maybe later. Like when you get off work," I laughed, flirting, trying to judge what her eye contact had meant.

"Well," she reached down, grabbing two beers from a cooler and set them on the bar. "I'll be here all night. So, if you're still here at last call, we'll talk."

"Deal," I said with a wink, and then I took my beer and followed Tyrese onto the dance floor.

Tyrese and I spent the evening dancing occasionally, tossing back more beer, and watching Abe's work' his new friend, Rosita, with drinks. They danced, kissed, and made out in the corner, but just before the last call, Abraham joined us, disappointed because Rosita's friends had taken her back to their room. We each grabbed a final beer from the other bartender and stood off to the side drinking.

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