Seeing Through Tears

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A/N: A/U - Three Part Drama - Rick Grimes and Michonne Wright have approached a flooded road in their relationship. Will they swim pass or will they drown?



I was a fucking mess.

Drowning my sorrows with Crown Royale, with six years' worth of pictures sprawled across the bed and a closet full of Michonne's clothes piled on the chair. Since she left me two months ago and I'm no better off than I was the night she dumped me. I should have known better than to give a woman like Michonne an ultimatum.

Being irksomely stubborn was the reason I fell in love with her in the first place. We both had an immature jealous streak that caused constant riffs in our relationship. Recently we had a squabble about me getting too cute with the new intern Jessie, even though I didn't see it that way.

I'm a charming Southern gentleman by nature and I never gave much thought when I'm showing it.

I admit to flirting with women all the time, but it never went anywhere. I'd give cute girls a wink here and there right in front of Michonne. I've done it for years and never thought much of until now. Even though I know damn well if the shoe was on the other foot and Michonne was flirting with other men, I would be livid.

Fuck that! I'd probably be psychotic toward the fucker if he flirted back.

Although I never had a reason to think Michonne wanted anyone other than me until a few months ago. Her best friend and colleague Andrea, who hated me with a passion, had invited Michonne to New Orleans. They'd been assigned a high profile civil rights case and the legal team at Michonne's law firm needed all hands on deck. Andrea had been less than pleased to see Michonne arrive with me in tow.

After their early morning meeting and a full day of court Michonne called me from our hotel and asked me to join them. When I got to the bar a block away from our room I was positive Andrea picked this place because she knew it would piss me off. Michonne and I are the types of folk who enjoy the nicely lit, non-pretentious bar and lounge.

This place was the exact opposite.

Andrea was buying and all it took was a couple shots of Vodka and Michonne was up on stage shaking her perfect ass to a song I wasn't familiar with. My girl looked so damn hot up there, shaking what God gave her in that short skirt and low cut blouse of hers. There was no denying, Michonne was hands down one of the most beautiful women to ever walk the earth. Her small, shapely curves, which were perfect for holding onto while dancing... or doing other physical activities captured the attention of everyone in the room.

That included a guy by the name of the Shane Walsh.

Shane is the son of the law firms' founder and the one who hired Michonne fresh out of law school upon Andrea's recommendation. He'd always choose my woman for whatever project he was working on. She traveled with him and he gave her a raise after only a few months with the firm. I immediately started to get suspicious of what, exactly; Shane's motives were where Michonne was concerned. That asshole clearly has eyes for my woman and used everything his conniving mind could come up with in order to ease his way into her life. I'm constantly keeping my eye on the slimeball. He has a rep in this town as a 'ladies' man and even if he didn't, I just don't trust the fucker. The way he always looks at her, it was too intense and I sure as hell wasn't okay with the way he had no problem hugging her or rubbing her shoulders when she seemed stressed. I'd caught him doing that one night I went to Michonne's office, she was working late and I'd brought her some of her favorite Thai food. I kept my cool, but inside I was fuming. I sensed there was some sexual tension building between them and it drove me insane. As a result, insecurity started to fester between us. The night she left, I'd confronted her about her relationship with Shane. Michonne thought I was being ridiculous and told me so.

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