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 A/N: Just a little Richonne Drabble  

Song: Caught Up in the Rapture by Anita Baker



"Dinner's ready if you're hungry."

Michonne's honey-sweet voice came from behind me. I turned, unhurried and there she was. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

As always she made me a savory dinner, we ate while having small talk, ignoring the feeling of nostalgia that was wrapping us up so warmly in the moment.

I've finally found my solace.

My son is stable-minded and resilient, my daughter is healthy and well protected and my beautiful lover is my equal.

I'm whole again.

And then I'm hit with a moment of genius.

"We need pictures together."

"We have pictures together." Michonne tilted her pretty little head as curiosity struck her.

"Not those type of pictures." I waggled my brows up and down in an impish manner.

"What kind of..." Michonne paused, my intelligent angel picked up what I was proposing and her eyes sparkled with the challenge.

"Oh, I see..." she smiled seductively and I almost fell apart.



After dinner I rushed to our room and changed into the mini, lacy negligee Rick brought home for me last week. I honestly didn't think I'd have a chance to wear it. Rick and I aren't much for taking it slow. Like the moon's gravitation to the earth, Rick and I are perfectly in sync, we plunge into one another like its second nature.

"Ready for your close up..."

Oh goodness... I felt the searing heat of his gaze on my back. I turned to meet his signature captivating regard and it felt as if I'd fallen feet first into a vast sea. My inhalations became labored, my heart pounded hard in my chest.

Shirt and shoeless, Rick's sculpted body has got to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

"Sit your sexy ass down right there. He said directly, motioning across the room and my body turned to Jell-O. I planted my butt on the chair next to the window and he turned on the floor-light lamp beside it.

He moved back over and set up the tripod and propped the camera on it, pressing buttons here and there on the device.

He rushed toward me and before I could prepare myself he scooped me up and placed me on his lap. The camera was on auto and a series of blinding flashes caught me off guard. The camera clicked and snapped photos of Rick and me.

We laughed and provocatively groped one another as the camera captured it all.

This moment is amazing.

That's when I had an idea.

"Rick, I want to dance for you."


A/N: Check out Rapture Duex...

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