Soft Shock

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AA/N: Rated R (A night with Richonne)

Song: Soft Shock /The Yeah Yeah Yeahs



In the room that is twilight and shadow, Rick stands silhouetted against the open doorway, and from his perfect outline, I know he isn't wearing a stitch. We're aware of the electricity in the air; I don't remember feeling this way with any other man. Perhaps this is what it's like when people say they feel fireworks going off.

He's fresh from the shower, still wet in places, but still warm. With one kiss my ambivalence shifts to enthusiasm. He's the only man on earth for me, the only one who can breathe fire into me even when I'm cold. From this moment on my clothes are a hindrance, but he solves the problem in under a minute.

He moves in closer, close enough for me to breathe in his arms wrap around my back, and in one gentle pull, our skin whispered my name as our bodies touched. I feel his hand on my ass, how he loves the softness, feeling it bounce as he releases it. Then his hand moves up my back to my neck. That's when the kissing starts and we start to move like partners in a dance that is written in our DNA. Our lips fitted so perfectly- as if they were meant for each other. Moving against each other, feeling each other.

We lock eyes for just a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another. Then he's all business, undoing my jeans, pulling them off, kissing me from my toes upward, slowly, his hands on my legs, always just a little higher than the kisses. I feel my back arch in anticipation, knowing where his fingers will soon reach. My head rocks back against the pillow as he does, the first moan escaping my whispered my name as our bodies touched.

Before I can draw in the air my body needs I have melted into his form. I can feel his firm torso and the heart that beats within. I can feel my body shake, crying for the missed time we will never make back, crying to release the tension of these three long years. He pulls his head back and wipes the tears with a calloused finger, even this roughness brings more relief than my heart can hold.

Slowly, we became entwined, as if he can't quite believe I'm not part of an almost forgotten dream. The feelings rock my head back as he begins kissing my neck and pressing his body into mine.

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There is something so disarming about seeing Michonne naked. There's a vulnerability in her eyes I can't resist. Her eyes had a softness to them, there was something so welcoming in the rich browns. I felt just a little more lost, a little more at home, each time we' re these moments she loves me with her eyes as much as her body, our souls mingling in the quiet moments of action and stillness. The cool room already feels warm.

My eyes travel from her face to her collarbone, delicate in the semi-darkness, then to her breasts. Without lingerie they sit lower, more natural, less close together, each so perfect and molded to her form. I don't linger too long, just enough for her to see how beautiful she is to me. It's her eyes I want to see and my hands can tell me the rest.

One-touch and it was over, it was always that way with Michonne. She felt the electricity in her skin, hormones shutting down of her higher brain, and the rise of her animal self. From there on in it was all passion, intense, intoxicating. It was her release, her escape, her drug... not that she was easy, she knew well enough to avoid letting a man lay his hands on her. Yet with chemistry, with real love, too many of her switches were flicked for a reverse gear to be possible. If she was smitten all she could do was go along for the ride and pray her instincts were right.

We lay naked in the moonlight, my arms draped over her waist. Michonne lent in for a kiss, the kind she wanted to last forever, but after a time she withdrew to gaze at the face she loved so much. I glided my hand over her skin to her face, brushing away a lock of hair. "Have I ever told you I love you?"

She looked over her shoulder and nodded, "Every night before we go to sleep and every morning when we rise."

I grabbed the back of her neck, growling in the kiss causing her to whimpered in pleasure.

"Leave me and you take the best part of me with you. Without you I'm not me anymore, in return, I'll never let go of you, love you, defend you, keep you safe."

It's hard to hold back, to make the moment last. Isn't it always the way, so caught between the intoxication of the climax and extending a moment we never want to end.

Sweet Damnation (Richonne One-Shots and Shorts)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن