Endless Inferno Pt.3

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Rick could not shake the uneasy feeling festering in his gut. Michonne was nowhere to be found. He'd checked almost everywhere and was now approaching the last house on the left. His uncomfortable emotion was confirmed with the sound of a gut-wrenching scream. The sound coming from the last house caused his heart to accelerate. He instinctively drew his gun and swiftly made his way towards the sound.

Inside the large home, the sounds of a scuffle downstairs could be clearly heard and Rick rushed down to the lower level to investigate. The sight stopped him in his tracks and he let out an audible gasp. For a moment it felt as time stopped, he tried to catch his breath but it was like trying to breathe underwater.

A bloodied wounded Michonne was fighting for her life against an equally bloodied Jessie who was attacking her. He'd never seen Michonne look so vulnerable, so afraid. At the same time, he couldn't believe the savage, crazed look on Jessica's face and the visceral insults she spat at Michonne as she viscously attacked her.

"Michonne...Jessie...!" Rick shouted out, pointing his Colt in that direction. He wanted to fire a warning shot near Jessie's head but thought it wise not to. He was a perfect shot, but, the sound would cause too much of a commotion from the Alexandrians and the town had already been shaken to its core.

I can handle this... He told himself.

It was the sound of Rick's voice that gave Michonne the needed strength to push her attacker off and quickly scramble to her feet. She ran as fast as she could towards Rick, badly limping the entire distance. She slumped onto the stairs, too weak from the fight and loss of blood to go any further. Taking the last bit of strength she has, she ripped the rest of her pants leg off, tying the cloth around her aching wound. Although the bleeding had slowed, the wound burned and ached.

Jessie deliberately rose to her feet, glaring at Rick like a wolf does its prey. "Rick, that animal attacked me!" She barked.

"Shut up!" Rick shouted, furious at her audacity, he cocked his gun, aiming it between her eyes to express his point.

Jessie was infuriated, the pain in her jaw did not register. "How could you choose her over me?" She made an attempt to appear like the vulnerable housewife she portrayed.

"How could you do this Michonne?" Rick, snapped, he saw right past her deception. He'd abruptly come to the realization that Michonne had paid a hefty price for his stupidity.

"Answer me!" Jessie screamed at Rick.

"Turn around," Rick ordered, sneering through gritted teeth.

Jessie gave him a disdainful glare before she reluctantly compiling to his demand.

"How could you do this to me?" She cried, knowing her pleads were falling upon deaf ears.

Rick said nothing to her as he yanked her by both arms and led her over to the pillar, pulling her arms around her back handcuffing them together. He made sure they were as tight as he could get them.

Rick turned to face Michonne, her appearance was heartbreaking. With one swift motion, he lifted her off her feet and carried her up the stairs and out of the house. Her body shuddered as he carried her into the house, lightly setting her down on the fleece covered sofa. She was still upset and cold due to the attack and blood loss, her lip quivered profusely as she refused to cry. He dashed to the kitchen and was back in the front room just as fast as he left. He handed her two extra-strength Tylenol and a bottled water.

Michonne silently took the medicine and sipped the water to wash it down. Rick carefully examined her wound. Luckily the bleeding had stopped, but he would need to be cleaned in order to see how many stitches she needed.

Sweet Damnation (Richonne One-Shots and Shorts)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant