Pretty Kitty

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A/N: A/U (attempt at humor)

Dedicated to my 15-year-old cat Sassy - RIP

Rated - PG

Song: Tom Cat by Muddy Waters

Yeah you know I'm a tomcat and you's my kitten
And I'm scratching around in your windowpane
Yeeeah you know I'm a tomcat and you's my kitten
And I've been scratching around in your windowpane
Let me in let me in baby
So I can feel good all over

Rick could hear her voice calling out as he quietly made his way from the front yard to the back patio.

"Here kitty, here kitty," she called out, too distracted to notice his approach.

"Here kitty, come here!" She was turned away from him, she held a small flashlight, pointing it into the darkness of the backyard. "Oh, where are you, Rick?" She huffed. "Here, Rick, come here Rick." She called out again.

Rick suppressed a gasp, then a chuckle... She still hadn't noticed he was there, so he quietly returned to the front porch. He leaned against the rail with a satisfied smirk on his charming face. Suddenly a white cat strolled up to him. Bending forward, Rick gave the fluffy old tom-cat, with the brightest blue eyes a firm petting. He gently roved over the cat's chin, head, back, and tail, and then back up to his chin. The cat purred his approval and rubbed himself earnestly against Rick's leg.

"There you are kitty-cat!" Michonne called out to her elusive feline. "Oh, hi, Rick." tugging the furry feline away from Rick's leg. while smiling brightly at the handsome man; there is no denying that Rick Grimes is very easy on the eyes.

His cerulean eyes lit up at the sight of her radiate smile, he was undeniably infatuated with the dark-skinned beauty.

"What brings you by on this muggy summer night?" She asked her small-town officer while making her way to the top of the stairs.

"I just wanted to see you." He admitted shyly. "I see you got a cat..." Rick could not contain the mischievous smirk from the surfacing, "...what's the handsome fella's name?" He asked, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He beamed as he watched Michonne's causal expression shift to unadulterated nervousness.

"Uh, his name..." She stuttered. "Uh, his name is Mr. Whiskers."

"Mr. Whiskers" Rick repeated while gently scratching the stubble on his chin. "He doesn't look like no Mr. Whiskers to me, try again doll."

Michonne's eyes became impossibly wide at his response.

"Well, uh, geese Rick I just got him, he doesn't have a name just yet!" she piped, and she sat down on the porch swing, the cat settled onto her lap. The single father promptly sat right beside her.

"Then let's give this blue-eyed guy a name, shall we." He coolly replied.

"Why..."Michonne mumbled, looking down nervously at her furry friend.

"Well, he's your buddy, right? You care about him don't cha?"

"Well yeah," Michonne agreed, wishing he would just drop the whole matter altogether.

"I think you should name him after a person that you really- really like."

"I'll name him Herschel then." She nervously smiled. "He's my favorite coach. I won my first track and field award cause of him."

"Nah," Rick shook his head. You should name the cat after a person you'd want to snuggle up with at night."

"What?" Michonne says in disbelief.

And suddenly it hits her...He had heard her...And there is no way in hell, she's ever going to admit that she named her sweet precious creature after the indisputably sexy, and insufferably smug bachelor...

No way...

"He needs a cooler name; Herschel is an old man's name." Rick let out a mock sigh.

"So, what do you suggest?"

"He needs a young, handsome name, given he's such a good lookin cat."

The dark-skinned woman coarsely rolled her eyes, she had heard enough from the King's County Sheriff, for one night. There was only so much of Rick's arrogance she could stand; his attitude needed some serious adjusting.

"You know Rick." She let his name roll off her tongue as if it were something offensive. "This cat is also a pompous ass who is afraid of commitments and is very much full of himself. As a matter of fact, tonight Mr. Slick has been running all over town rubbing himself on any and everyone who would let him."

Rick's mouth fell open, hanging ajar like a fish on a hook. Michonne got up from the porch-swing; she strolled into her house, letting the door slam hard behind her.

Rick chuckled knowing full and well the shit he just stirred up.

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