To Make Things Right

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 A/N: Part II

Song: Fade into You / Mazzy Star

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew

Noah ❤️

Rated PG

Upon my initial encounter, Jessie appeared to me as the nervous and quiet type. That's when I noticed Rick paying close attention to her. I noticed him noticing her on several other occasions as well.

I soon found out that she's living in an unhappy, abusive marriage with her husband Pete. Although her investment in the safe-zone itself is limited and she refuses to speak about her marital problems, she's undoubtedly the proverbial damsel in distress. So, Rick being drawn to her should not have surprised me; I understood why. She's his chance to reclaim what he'd lost.

Rick sees in her what he believes he needs; someone to protect.

I'm back in my bed with my emotions; they keep coming into my mind like the waves meeting the land. Standing on the beach, eyes gazing out to the water, but my feet can't help but get wet. They come to me, soaking my entire being, and helping me to understand my entire self-better. Just like the land and ocean are one world, my emotions are just another part of myself, another form of intelligence to embrace, another way to learn. And crying is how I understand myself best. When I cry, I know who I am. I cry when others hurt as well as myself. It's my strength and my weakness. My strength, because it brings understanding, and my weakness because who wants to listen to weeping when they're looking for a strong shoulder? Right now, I wish I could turn my tears off, I do. But my emotions swirl like ocean currents, deep and strong, and I can't be anyone else, I don't suppose any of us can.

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual; at the garden, Sturgis and I planted several rows of cucumbers. By the time Maggie arrived, it was time for me to begin my constable duties. I kept myself busy, avoiding Rick for a full two days which wasn't an easy task considering that there are less than one hundred people in the community, and Rick and I live together. But I needed the time to gather myself and put the notion of him and me behind.

So, I did just that.

I wish I could say it was my will alone, but it wasn't.

My friend Noah and Deanna's son Aidan died outside the walls, and from then on, I was preoccupied with keeping things in order. I barely had time to sleep and was beginning to feel the comforting numbness that carries me through.

It wasn't long after Noah and Aidan died that the residents began to talk. Even though the tragedy happened outside the community, the people of Alexandria felt their sense of security crumble at the unexpected loss. I later found out that Father Gabriel told Deanna that our group is dangerous and that we needed to be exiled from Alexandria before her people died at our hands.

So, Deanna held an impromptu meeting where the residents could openly voice their concerns and decide if we should leave their community. At the meeting I admitted; our way is not perfect, but it's kept us alive. Rick expressed our point by delivering a speech to the people of Alexandria, informing the citizens that he found and killed several walkers that got in through an unsecured opening in the wall.

Without warning Pete barged in on the meeting, drunk and holding a knife. I think he was aiming for Rick but inadvertently killed Reg. Devastated, Deanna ordered Rick to execute Pete. Mrs. Monroe realized Rick was right in every way and the community would listen to him from that point on.

But it was too late.

Just as Rick was carrying out the execution, the meeting was interrupted again by Aaron and Daryl who had returned from scouting for survivors. They'd succeeded in their recruitment efforts and returned with Rick's acquaintance Morgan. That same night Daryl informed us that they'd come across a dangerous scavenging group called The Wolves.

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