That Night In Memphis

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A/N: Part II and the Conclusion of More Thank Words.

Rick POV

That day, that breezy night in Memphis...

Our album release party for the single 'Six Degrees' had already gone platinum and we were all on cloud nine. Our manager, crew, and closest friends attended the celebration at The Atrium.

You looked amazing that night. You always look so good, but that night...damn, you were a picture of pure perfection. You could have graced any billboard or magazine cover, but you are better than those two-dimensional photoshopped models. I smiled when you walked my way, that figure a perfect hourglass, caused all the blood in my body to rush into one particular region.

We had both had more than a few drinks that night. You claimed to have had even more than that, you said that 'you were pie-eyed and pissed as a newt'. Terms I'd didn't even think you knew before that night.

I thought I had kept a pretty good eye on you almost the entire night, so perhaps I missed the additional shots of tequila you said you had.

"Hi Rick," you greeted me and I let your voice soak in, your words, the way your eyes meet mine.

"Hi Chonne," I almost drown in your smile.

I quickly noticed that I wasn't the only one avidly watching you. All the males inside had turned their heads in your direction and were eyeing you as a dog looks at a steak. You didn't seem to be aware of the effect you had on the men or on me.

There was one particular guy who at the time I wanted to murder, but now...I suppose I should thank him. I think you said his name was Mike, anyway the guy would not leave you alone. You danced with him once, but of course, that wasn't enough. I saw him follow you from the dancefloor to the bar, over to a table of people he did not know and he even waited for you outside the ladies' room.

Your look of annoyance was not hidden when you turned down his drink offer for the third time, and still, the guy couldn't get a clue. I know that you didn't want to cause a scene by calling security on him, so I stepped in.

I didn't want to cause a scene either, so I politely asked you for a dance and you happily accepted. The guy finally realized that he had no chance at ever getting anything more than just dance with you, and he finally went on his way.

I can't believe in all the years we've known each other we've never actually danced with each other. It was as if everyone had vanished when you took my hand in yours. Your hands, so soft and delicate, the complete opposite of my callous damaged digits. I kept staring at them until your melodic voice removed me from my trance and when our eyes met, I was yet again spellbound. When you looked at me it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from my lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. Every time you smiled at me it felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of us to wander the earth together. Every time you held my face between your hands it felt like you were untying all of my knots.

Soon enough we were bumping and grinding against each other. It was almost as if our bodies had been built to work together. You matched all my movements, bump for a bump, and grind for a grind. You are a very sexy and talented dancer. We fit well together, like two pieces of a puzzle. That feeling astonished me. It was like you had been made for me...

Your body curved sinuously around mine and your hips swayed in a way that made my cock so hard, I was worried the denim covering it would rip. Your intoxicating scent was intensified by the light sweat caused by the exercise. I couldn't contain my craving for you any longer, so I grabbed the back of your neck and brought your sweet lips to mine. Our mouths crashed together and you gasped a little in surprise, responding a little timidly at first. But once my tongue gained entrance between your warm lips, you kissed me in earnest. I felt a surge of electricity run up and down my body. I had to have you now.

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