With Or Without You

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A/N:  A/U- Rick's heroic group built their own 'safe zone' and managed to keep everyone safe for several years. However, as supplies ran low, the courageous leaders had to go out on the treacherous supply runs. The brave group must venture further and further into dangerous territories to gather the necessities.

The result, devastating casualties...

Song:  With Or Without You- By U2

See the stone set in your eyes

See the thorn twist in your side

I'll wait for you

Sleight of hand and twist of fate

On a bed of nails, she makes me wait

And I wait without you

With or without you

With or without you

Through the storm, we reach the shore

You gave it all but I want more

And I'm waiting for you

With or without you

With or without you

I can't live

With or without you

Rated PG 


Tears Michonne did not know she had left began to spill out of her eyes and stream down her face. Only hours after the funeral and it still felt like a bad dream. She wanted to wake up tomorrow and be snuggled against his hard chest while running her fingers through his curly hair, peppering every inch of him with sweet kisses.

Their love was the material romance novels were made of.

Now, Michonne Grimes was a 35-year-old widow. Hurry home, Michonne scolded herself. Was he rushing to get home when he had his accident? Hurry home, I can't wait forever.

She picked up a wooden chair and threw it at the window before falling to her knees and crying. She'd never forget her last words to him. Rick had always been so careful. After surviving all the bullets and biters to dies by falling off a spooked horse.

It all seemed so unreal. Michonne was lost without him. They'd been through so much together. The loss of most of their friends, all of their children, and now this.

Pulling herself from the ground she stripped off her black dress. She put on the same shirt she'd been wearing for days. His shirt, the one he'd worn on the supply run that day. Logically she knew it needed to be washed, but not until it stopped smelling like him. She hadn't even made the bed, too afraid the sheets and his pillow would lose his scent too.

She heard a whistling noise come from the window and realized she had broken the glass. It began to rain so Michonne ran to the kitchen and grabbed some garbage bags, some nails, and a hammer.

Tomorrow he'd ask Daryl to fix her mess. It was still raining the next morning when Daryl came over and he already had picked out a replacement window from a vacant house at the edge of town. He was soaking wet but didn't seem to mind. He had his signature brooding expression plastered across his face.

Michonne ran to the kitchen to get him a towel.

"Daryl Dixon, you could have waited till after the rain." Michonne scolded handing him the towel.

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