Rapture Deux

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A/N: Part II and the finale of the hot little Richonne Drabble title 'Rapture'...



If Rick were no so handsome his wide-eyed- jaw dropped expression would be comical.

"Close your mouth before you catch a fly." I startled him, but his shock quickly registers and his surprised look shifts to unadulterated lust.

Gliding over to the stereo, I turn on the CD changer. A slow hip rocking song starts to play, full of measured tempo and energy and I can't stop the shimmy in my hips; my hips and ass are thrusting upwards rhythmically. I love dancing but right now, I am ready to be closer to him.

The intensity of his stare makes me warm in all the right places. When we stare at each other, it feels like a conversation, a very good, hands all over each other, detailed conversation. I sway my hips in my lovely white negligee propelling towards my man while watching his eyes set alight with desire. I must be having quite the effect on him. I can hear his groans over the music, his body goes slack in the chair while he grabs at the swell in his jeans.

"Care to dance with me."

I hold out my hand; he looks at my palm and then stares back at me.

Is he afraid?

"Come on Chonne."

Oh poor baby, bet he has two left feet.

"No need to be shy I'll take it slow."

Rick smirks and then takes my hand in his. The electricity in his touch sends another shiver through me and I shudder. He stands in a fluid motion, like a proud lion after resting all day in the shade. I'm in further awe of my Adonis. My heart hammered against my ribcage in anticipation of what he'd do next.

Slowly he moved closer to me, his arms encircling my waist and then they glide to my hips, snuggling up close to me, keeping up perfectly with my moves.

Rick grabs my hand to spin me around and then dips me low. Our lower bodies glued together by his firm grip. I gasp at the suddenness of his movements, my hair cascades in a freefall onto the wooden floor. He kissed my thumb and then rolled us over again.

I lean back into his chest. I turn my head to get a better look at his expression. He's smirking, inhaling while rubbing me from behind. The feeling is so right. I want more. My arms raise and play with his curly tresses, I brush my fingers along his jawline and down to tickle his neck.

"I -know –you- can- feel- that." He breathes and nibbles lightly on my earlobe all the while rubbing his ample cock against my ass with each word.

And I shamelessly moaned and backed it up each and every time. I giggled and laughed as Rick picked me up and swung me around. For a moment I forget to breathe inhaling deep, as we spun around in succession. Then, he slowed our whirling and slid me down his rock hard body.

We felt each other so clearly.

And I was wrong.

Rick can dance his ass off.

Sweet Damnation (Richonne Lemon One-Shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang