If You Leave, Promise Me

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A/N: Rick left on a supply run that lasted longer than expected. Michonne waited for him worried that she may never see him again...

Song: If You Leave / OMD

Rated X


I'm glad I don't dream now because my dreams always end in the same nightmare. But when I wake, I remember that my nightmare was both real and worse than the patchy reenactment my brain offers. Instead of relief on waking I get the trauma made fresh and raw.

I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. My mind was in shreds; I turned the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my hair, and trickled down my back. My eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing me the images like photographs... the camp being overrun, men dying; the sounds of death will forever remain etched in my mind.

Still, I'm thankful, the sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind off things. All the things I honestly don't care about. In the water, my mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall.

"I've missed you," I say to her as I step into our bedroom.

There was something so welcoming in the rich browns, eyes so deep they penetrate into the depths of my soul. My eyes travel from her beautiful face to her collarbone, delicate in the semi-darkness, then to her breasts, unbelieving of how incredible it was becoming reacquainted with them.

And then she kissed me. She kissed me with a passion I'd never known. Slow, sensual, she captured my lips with hers, slipping her sweet peppermint tongue into my mouth and swirling it around. I groaned as my cock painfully hardened.

One-touch and it was over, it was always that way with Michonne. The feel of her warmness against my cool skin caused an uncontrolled reaction. My body shook and my cock stiffened even more.

After a few more blissful moments of sweet kisses, she leaned back to appraise me, her big almond eyes gazed into the depths of my soul. "Don't ever leave...I don't know if I can take it again..."I thought I was stronger..."

For a split second, I thought I misheard her. And then like a bullet, my emotional barrier had been shattered into oblivion and the magnitude of her pain seeped into my gut and I became rapt in her emotion.

"Michonne..." I call her name out between ragged breaths. "Don't cry baby, I'm here now...Nothing could ever keep me from you." I glided my hand over her skin to her face, brushing away a lock of hair. "I love you so much..."


She fanned her fingers in my hair and softly pressed her sweet lips to mine and then she placed her hand over my cock and began to rub my rock-hard erection.

"I missed you so much...Not a single day went by that..." I growled against her lovely dark skin. Gracefully she maneuvered her curvaceous legs and wrapped them around my waist; the way her legs moved caused me to fall under her spell.

I lowered myself, forcing her thighs apart, and I gazed at her wet folds for only a second before I dove in for a taste. I already knew by the scent I would like what I found there but I was still amazed someone could taste so perfect. And Michonne gasped as my mouth was all over her, tasting her sweet honey pot like someone who had been starving for ages. Her whole body was singing, every lash from my skilled tongue transforming into sparks, making her inside wetter, slicker... My fingers found their way into her wet folds and she positively jolted as I gently stroked her, rubbing my palm into her aching bundle of nerves.

Already so slick and wet I thrust into her sexy little body and she shivered and came. Her inner muscles almost forced my own orgasm from me, but with all my might, I held back. I'd be damned if I would be that fucking quick. As soon as I managed some control I started moving. My thrusts were slow, steady and deliberate. I wanted her to come over and over. But I knew I couldn't hold out for very long.

I started pounding into her with a force and speed I didn't know I possessed. It wasn't long before her searing hot walls were clenching down around my dick, squeezing it securely. I began pounding her rhythmically, hitting deeper every time, bringing her higher, closer. With skill and poise, my angel matched me thrust for thrust. I could not recall ever feeling so completely seized. My lover unleashed her orgasm with a violent surge of heat, coursing through every limb, forcing her to bury her face in my shoulder whimpering as my movements had her contracting around my cock in pleasure.

Nothing had ever felt as perfect as fucking her did. I was lost in the sensation; lost in her. When she spread her legs wider, I didn't think I could hold back for much longer as I sank even deeper inside of her and we both moaned again. It threw me right off the cliff behind her, I heard a sobbing sound and it took a moment to realize it was me. I came, shooting a seemingly never-ending stream of cum inside of her, and she was still shuddering. It's hard to hold back, to make the moment last. Isn't it always that way, so caught between the intoxication of the climax and extending a moment we never want to end?

We lay naked in the moonlight, my arms draped over her waist. After a few moments Michonne leaned in and kissed me, it was the kind of kiss you wanted to last forever, but after a time she withdrew to gaze at the face she loved so much.

"Rick, they'll never be another; I would've waited forever for you, so wrap me in your arms and never let me go, keep me safe and warm."

I nodded, smiled, and did as I was told. Without her I'm not me anymore, I'm a broken shell of someone. She knows that if she ever left me, she'd take the best part of me with her.

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