Pure Domestic Bliss

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A/N: A/U Inspired by the age old quote 'happy wife, happy life.'

Song: I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl By Nina Simone



"Hello?" I answer my phone when I see it's my wife, I have no idea what she could possibly want. She normally sends me a good night text before she goes to bed when she's out of town on business.

"Hey, babe I forgot my thumb drive with all of my case notes, can you overnight it to my hotel?" She asks with a winded voice.

"Sure, where did you leave it?"

"Hmm," she pauses and takes a breath, "I think... Oh yeah! On my nightstand I think- I think I tossed it down with my blackberry when I was packing. I can't believe I left it there!" She sounds flustered. "The hotel info is in the fridge, the address, phone number, along with my itinerary. Thanks, baby, love you." She hangs up before I can respond.

Michonne and I have reached that point that I'm sure so many couples arrive at. We are like planes passing on the runway. I became Sheriff of King's County and she made partner at her law firm. Right now she's working on a high profile case in New Orleans, so she travels quite a bit. The only time we really have together is when we are exhausted and all we can think about is sleep.

I hate to admit, but our sex life has suffered. But the love we have for one another has never faltered. Michonne is more than my wife, she is my soul mate, my better half.

No one has ever known me like she does. No one has ever made me as happy as she does.

I got lucky when she said yes. There is one issue. I am dealing with the fact that for several years, we sparsely spend more than an hour together. In that time we are eating, getting dressed and prepared for work. Sometimes we are together less than that before I have an emergency at the station, or she has to take over a case, or like now will be apart for a week. When we are in the same place at the same time, she's doing research or planning for the next case or I'm working on my own case files.

It's not soon after that we pass out from exhaustion with nothing more than a snuggle and 'I love you, goodnight'.

But tonight is different...

Tonight I walk in the house and I am stunned at the almighty phenomena in front of me. My mouth goes dry and my heart starts pounding in my chest. My wife is standing at the stove with her back to me; she has a red frilly, ruffled apron on with a big bow tied at her waist. Her thick braids are trailing down her back and she has a pair of the highest stilettos I've ever seen on ...and that's it.

She turns to face me slowly, her long eyelashes batting at me under dark and sensual eyes. Her lips shimmered with a deep maroon lipstick that matches the trim color of the apron.

"Welcome home, baby. I've missed you." She says.


"I've missed you too beautiful woman," I confess and refrain from squeezing the erection growing in my pants.

"What ya cooking?" I ask although I can tell she is not actually cooking anything, I'm just playing along.

"Me..." She hummed with the naughtiest smirk on her flawlessly made-up face. The way she said 'me' caused an involuntary growl from deep within my chest. I move in on her, shedding my bulletproof vest and gun holster in record time.

"What is this, Michonne?" I whisper in her ear, wrapping her into my arms.

"This is me getting back some of the lost time. This is me showing you how much you mean to me." She smiles, hooking her arms around my neck and placing the sweetest kiss on my lips.

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