More Than Words

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A/N:  Please suspend your beliefs and just imagine. Okay, I know you all have great imaginations, we watch a show about Zombies.

So, picture this...

~Iowa born Michonne (like Madonna the world calls her by her first name only), without a diva bone in her perfectly fit body, but fabulous just the same, this beauty is the lead vocalist and novice acoustic guitar player.

~London born Rick Grimes (known to the world as Grimes aka The Ringleader) is a sexy kick-ass bassist, Prince would be proud.

~Seoul born Glenn Rhee (aka Rhee-Rhee) is a drummer who could put Tommy Lee to shame in several departments. Ehem!

~And New Jersey-born Maggie Greene (the fans call her MG) is the lead guitar hero and back up vocalist, Sir Eric Clapton has a crush on this babe.

Yep, this hot quartet is some Rock Stars. Yeah, Rock stars as in they have a band (called The Apocalypse), they play large venues where the best tickets are going to cost you about 300 big ones, they tour around the world, they have fans, haters, paparazzi, t-shirts and the whole nine. They've known each other since college and they are currently on their 10th world tour... Okay, I think I've set this up enough, on with the show, I mean story...


Michonne POV

A few years ago, you'd insisted on taking guitar lessons. You wanted to learn proper strumming and techniques, you'd said. Everything you knew from years ago before college was self-taught. If your playing were to progress, you insisted, you needed to start getting to know your instrument on a different level.

I honestly couldn't fathom the humility it took for the bass player of the world's biggest rock band to call up an instructor and very seriously say that he wanted to employ their services.

I marveled at the man you had become in those ten years, and how much closer that had brought us and our small circle. You always believed in us, from the very first time our music instructor Mr. Myers placed the four of us together. You were the only one excited about the project, you motivated us, immediately honing in on our strengths and weaknesses.

We didn't know each other well back then so we argued for hours on the song choice. Finally, we settled on Queen- Another One Bites the Dust. We all agreed, that song has the best rhythm and you were so confident that I could nail the lyrics. The night of the competition I was a nervous wreck, I looked out into the audience and instantly my throat went dry. You whispered my name and the moment I heard your bass riff all of my anxiety washed away.

Unbelievably, we got a standing ovation that afternoon; not an easy mission with that crowd. Julliard students are the most critical of their peers; it comes with the territory. Artist of the highest degree, selected to attend this prestigious school and each student has a deep passion for the craft, being highly critical comes naturally.

After we received such notable acclaims from our teachers and peers, you had the idea to take us further, thus changing our lives forever.

We made a demo, mailed them to all the major record labels. You sold our demos out of the trunk of your little Toyota to our friends. And booked us our first potential paying gig. The New York City battle of the bands. We practiced our ass off with the week we had before the show. We almost killed each other, but damn, it paid off. We beat out eleven out of the twelve bands, winning 2nd place. That's when I truly began to believe in us, in what we could have.

I knew we would be inseparable from that moment on. Although I never thought that we'd spend our summer playing in New York nightclubs and in just a year time we'd be signed by Sony.

Sweet Damnation (Richonne One-Shots and Shorts)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant