Chapter 20 Valencia

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They had planned to leave after class on Friday. Amelia had purchased the train tickets two days ago and told Luisita she would meet her at the train station an hour before departure time. That gave them time to go home, change pack last minutes items and make to the train station on time.

Amelia arrived on schedule. Luisi as typical was running a tad late but she finally arrived. They boarded the train and found their seats. Amelia secured their bags and got comfortable in the seat next to Luisi. Amelia took her hand and held it. It felt good in her hand, soft yet strong. She appreciated Luisita's inner strength and her determination against any obstacle she faced. But she also knew that Luisi fought her inner fear and was protective of her heart. Amelia had her won demons as well. She always felt alone and misunderstood. But in Luis she found her home and support. Amelia was lost in thought when the train pulled away from the train platform, giving her a little jerk snapping her out of her thoughts. She gave Luisi's hand a little squeeze. Luisi turned and smiled at her. It was only a two hour or so train ride to Valencia. Amelia pulled out her book and began to read as Luisi fell asleep on her shoulder. Amelia leaned over and lightly kissed her forehead.

They arrived at the train station in Valencia in the early evening. They debarked and called for an Uber to drive them to Luisi's parents house. They left the city and headed southeast toward the ocean. Amelia watched as the scenery change from the city skyline to farmland and orchards. She was amazed at the beauty of the countryside and envy Luisi for growing up in such a place. In less than thirty minutes they pulled into the circle drive in front of the Gomez home. The Uber driver grabbed their bags from the trunk, Amelia paid him and he left them standing in the drive.

"Come on, lets go in and meet everyone!" Luisi said as she grabbed her bag and quickly walked to the front door. Amelia followed as directed. Luisi opened the door and made her way into the house.

"Hello!!!! Anyone here?!!" Luisi hollered. Luisi dropped her bag in the foyer and indicated for Amelia to do the same. In a brief moment they heard quick footsteps fall, in there in front of the stood Manuela, Luisi's mother.

"Luisita!!!! What a wonderful surprise." Manuela said as she swooped Luisi up into and big hug.

'Hi mom. It is so good to see you. Where is dad?" Luisi was happy to be home.

"He is out in the orchard with your grandfather and brother." Manuela explained as she looked over Luisita's shoulder and saw this beautiful woman standing there. She nudge Luisi.

"Mom, I want you to meet Dr. Amelia Ledesma" Luisi said reaching over and taking Amelia's hand pulling her closer. "Amelia This is my mother Manuela Gomez." Luisi made the introductions.

"I'm so glad meet you, Dr. Ledesma." Manuela said taking her hand into a soft handshake.

"Likewise, please call me Amelia. I'm not that formal with titles." Amelia smiled at her.

"Come on with me to the kitchen. I am sure you both are starved after your trip. She led them into the kitchen. Manuela set about serving up food for the both of them. Luisi's youngest brother ran into the kitchen and came to an abrupt start when saw Amelia. His jaw dropped open.

"Ciriaco, close your mouth!" Manuela ordered. "Go tell you father and grandfather to come to the house because we have guests." Ciriaco stood there staring. "Ciriaco, go!" He dashed off. All three of them laughed at his little boy antic. Within in a few minutes, Pelayo, Marcelino and Manuel showed up in the kitchen. Marcelino pulled Luisi into a father bear hug and was excited to see her. She hugged her grandfather and her brother. All three men stood there, much like Ciriaco, and stared at Amelia. Luisi immediately noticed and began to make introductions.

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