Chapter 12. Good Morning

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The next morning Luisi woke from what she believed was a dream, thinking that yesterday and last night did not happen. She stared at the ceiling letting all the images and feelings wash over her. She slowly got up and lazily sauntered to the large window, looking at waves tumbling along the shore line, remembering the night on the beach with Amelia. She reached up and touched her cheek where Amelia had gently stroked it. She could still feel on her fingertips on her face. She remembered the feel of Amelia's soft hand in hers, not wanting to ever let go of it. But her strongest memory of the night was the kiss they shared. How Amelia's lips felt on hers; how sweet she tasted, how velvet her mouth was when she first kissed her. Amelia was like time moving in slow motion, unrushed when she kissed her. Luisi still felt Amelia's wrapped around her with tender strength. She made Luisi feel safe.

Luisi lingered at the window daydreaming until she heard her phone ring. She was annoyed because it interrupted her reverie knowing that it was Maria calling. She picked up the phone and hit the answer key.

"Hello." Luisi said briskly.

"Good morning to you too." Came the voice on the other end.

"Amelia." Luisi said sweetly, elevated to hear her voice. "I'm sorry I thought it was Maria calling." Luisi ambled back to the window.

"How are you this morning?" Amelia asked softly.

"I am happy. How are you?" Luisi just smiled.

"Happy too." Amelia agreed. "What are you doing?"

"I am standing here looking out the window at the beach where we were last night. And you?"

"I am lying on the bed, thinking about you," Amelia replied. "I guess I need to get ready for the conference this morning," Amelia said reluctantly.

"No, Amelia, let's not go. Please." Luisi had that little whine in her voice.

"Luisita, we have to." Amelia said flatly.

"I'm not going anywhere till I have coffee." Luisi was pouty.

"Tell you what, get ready and come up to my room and will order room service. Will that make you happy?"

"Yes! Be there in just a bit." Luisi clicked off the call and ran to the shower.

About forty-five minutes later, Amelia opens the room door to find Luisita standing there looking fresh and cute. Her blonde hair was parted on the side with her straight hanging around her shoulders. She was dressed in black slacks, a white shirt, and a lightweight gray sweater. Amelia, frozen in place, looking at the prettiest girl she had ever seen. All she could was smile at her.

"Amelia, can I come in?" Luisi asked.

"Oh, sure come in." Amelia finally snapped back to the moment. Amelia got a whiff of her perfume as Luisi walked past her into the room. "I ordered room service." Luisi saw the table had been set and breakfast was waiting for them. Amelia indicated for her to sit. They sat down, Amelia removed the covers from their plates and picked up the coffee carafe.

"Coffee?" Amelia offered

"Please." Luisi quickly replied. Amelia poured the coffee for both of them. The view of the sea was spectacular through the large window as they ate breakfast. The morning sun glimmered off the clear blue water as the waves brushed the beach sand. There was a sense of great tranquility from watching the sea move in and out rhythmically. They were hypnotized by the water and each other.

"Amelia" Luisi said quietly. Amelia broke her gaze from the view and looked directly at her.

"Hmm" Amelia murmured in response.

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