Chapter 5. I need to tell someone

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Luisi returned to her apartment after her meeting with Amelia. She dumped her book bag next to the door, threw her jacket across the chair and plopped down on her sofa. She rubbed her face trying to make sense out of what happened in the past hour. She played the moment over and over in her mind when she was sitting next to Amelia and their hands met. Why did she have butterflies in her stomach? Why did she blush when Amelia looked at her? What was happening? She had no answers to these questions. This caused her so much anxiety. She contemplated all the things that she was feeling for a few moments longer. Luisi needed someone to talk to. She couldn't call her parents or her siblings. They would just be as confused as she was and would want her to come home. No, not the family. She pulled out her cell phone, found the number and called Maria.

"Hello," the voice answered.

"Hi, Maria. It's Luisi"

"Hey. What's up? Maria asked casually.

"Are you busy?" Luisi replied.

"Yeah. I am heading over to the student union to meet up with Jorge for a little while. But I'm free later." Maria explained.

"Could you come over later then?" Luisi quietly asked.

"Sure. Are you Ok, Luisi?" Maria was concerned.

"Yeah. I just need to talk to you.?" Luisi tried to sound upbeat.

"Ok. I'll text you before I head over to let you know I am on the way, Ok? See ya soon" Maria advised.

"Ok see you later." Luisi hung up the phone and laid back and stared at the ceiling. She had to stop thinking about this for now. Luisi got up and cleared her mind, she was hungry. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of oranges from the refrigerator. Her parents had sent her a bag of oranges from home.

Luisita Gomez was the fourth daughter of eight children of the Gomez family. Her father was a citrus farmer in Valencia. The groves had been in the family for generations. Her father worked alongside his father in the groves growing up. The two of them were successful and earned enough to be reasonably comfortable. They weren't rich as the larger citrus, olive and rice producers but they held their own. Her parents provided a warm and loving home, good education and a sound work ethic to their children. Her mother worked as a secretary to one of the area attorneys. Her mother Manolita was very protective of her children and did not let them stray very far. With the exception of her two oldest daughters who lived away from Valencia. The oldest Leonor lives in Mexico and her other sister Lola lives in Barcelona.

Luisi was very close to her third sister, Marisa, who was still in Valencia with her husband Ignacio. Since Luisi had moved to Madrid to go to the University, she and Marisa weren't as close. She missed that closeness with Marisa the most because she could talk to her about anything. Her younger siblings were too young for Luisi.

Luisi never thought to be anything else but a Gomez even though she was adopted when she was very young. Her birth parents were killed in a car accident when she was four. Luckily, her birth mother, Luisa, and Manolita were cousins and the adoption was not very difficult. Her parents never made her feel any different; she was just the fourth daughter in the Gomez family.

Luisita was always very headstrong as a child and now as an adult but did acquiesce to her parents a great deal even when she disagreed. However, Luisi had a strong sense of family and could never see herself away from them. She was only 2 hours away from them by train. This made it easy to go back home over weekends or holidays, which she did frequently. She loved spending time with her grandfather the most. He would take her into the groves and tell her the history of the trees and their family. He always supported her. Her grandfather was her port in the storm.

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