Chapter 4. I think I know

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Monday morning, Amelia walks into the faculty dining lounge. She orders a coffee black and a couple of churros. She turned to find a seat when she spotted her best friend, Ana seating at a table by the window. Ana was a fellow teacher at the university and had known Amelia since undergraduate school. They were roommates in their first year at school. They bonded quickly and become really good friends. They shared everything with each other.

"Good morning." Amelia greeted her.

"Good morning, take a seat." Ana gave her a big smile and pointed to the empty chair. "Well, how was it?" Ana was excited.

"How was what?" Amelia asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"You know, the date? How did it go?" Ana leaning over the table a bit so no one would hear.

"It went," Amelia replied. She waved her hand as if she wanted to brush off the thought of the date and the question.

"You have got to tell more than that, Amelia." Ana lightly demanded. "Details. Did you like her?"

"She was nice. But I don't see it going anywhere." Amelia dismissed the idea of a second date.

"Why?" Ana asked.

"Because she was over the top Ana. I mean I am a risk-taker and I like to live life on the edge at times, but this girl was egocentric and not in a good way. When I called it a night, she thought it was acceptable to give me a goodnight kiss on the street." Amelia explained.

"I know she can be a bit much but deep down she is a good person." Ana was trying to plead her case for the young woman.

"Ana she is not my type." Amelia dismissed her again. Ana leaned back in her chair and looked Amelia quizzically. Trying to size her up and figure out what was really going on with Amelia. After a few moments, as she watched Amelia eat her breakfast, she finally broke the silence.

"Amelia, I know you, what is the real reason you don't want to see her again?" Ana asked with confidence. Amelia sat there and looked at her best friend. She knew that Ana wasn't convinced and she should tell her because Ana would not stop bothering her until she told her the truth.

"Well, there is a student in my Master's class. I can't get her out of my head. She is so funny, smart, a bit of a mess and so so pretty. It is hard to keep focused in class because all I want to do is spend time with her. " Amelia blushed as she described Luisita to Ana.

"Amelia, are you crazy? She is a student. That is dangerous. You know the university's policy about fraternization with students." Ana admonished.

"I know and that is what makes it even harder for me. I really like her, Ana. I haven't had this kind of feeling before." Amelia looked down at her coffee cup. Ana watched the expressions roll across Amelia's face. She knew that this was truly different. Amelia was never one to be serious with the few dates she had all through college. But whatever it was that this girl had, she managed to captivate Amelia Ledesma.

"What are you going to do?" Ana asked with sincerity. Amelia shook her head.

"I don't know. I know I should ignore how I feel but Ana, every time she is in the room, I have trouble breathing. She is so pretty. When she is near me, I feel things I have never felt before." Amelia was smiling the whole time she was talking about Luisita.

"How is she when she is around you? Ana was a little excited but cautious.

"She seems nervous sometimes. She saw me doing a show at the club a couple of weeks ago. She was with a group of friends and they were standing at the bar and when I saw her, I just looked at her the whole time I was singing." Amelia told her.

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