Chapter 6. Let's take a walk

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Amelia and Luisi walked over to the Metro platform. The next train would be there shortly.

"Where would you like to go for coffee, Luisita?" Amelia asked. They were standing close enough that their shoulders lightly touched. If it were possible sparks would be flying right now.

"I know a really nice place in the Plaza of Fruits. It's called El Asturiano. My aunt Clara owns it. I work there sometimes on the weekends when she is shorthanded. I think you'll like it." Luisi offered.

"Great. Let's go." Amelia smiled and was excited to see a part of Luisita's life. The metro train arrived and they boarded bound for Chambri. They had to squeeze into the seat next to each other as the train was packed. Luisi was nervous but enjoyed the feeling of Amelia next to her. Amelia was excited by this closeness, it gave Amelia a sense of being protective of Luisita. The train arrived at the Chambri station and they exited off with Luisita leading the way.

"It's just down this street." Luisi pointed, "I live one street over." Luisi again indicating the direction of where she lived. The walk through the streets was pretty with the fall colors and the nip of chill in the air. They strolled casually making small talk. It was like Luisi was being the tour guide of Chambri for Amelia. Arriving at the Plaza de los Frutos, it was full of people milling around. The coffee shop and bar were located at one end of the plaza. The Hotel Estrella was at the opposite end of the Plaza. Between the hotel and bar were apartment buildings, where her aunt lived and the entrance to the marketplace. Small shops lined the sides of the plaza with outdoor kiosks full of fruits and vegetables, or hand made crafts for people to buy. The plaza was also lined with planter boxes and shrubbery, giving it a warm feeling to the sterile concrete and block buildings. Colorful awnings shaded entrances to the shops making the Plaza feel lively. Straight ahead of them was the large green awning with El Asturiano written across it in white letters. Luisi picked up her pace as they got closer to the bar.

Once inside they found Luisi's aunt standing behind the bar. She was a medium height woman who looked to be in her early fifties. She was wearing a white apron that hugged her high at her waist over her floral print dress. She immediately saw Luisi and came scurrying from around the bar and grabbed her up in a big hug.

"Luisi! I am so happy to see you." Aunt Clara said excitedly held her at arm's length.

"Hi, Aunt Clara. It's good to see you too. How are you?" Luisi asked as she smiled at her aunt.

"I'm fine. Working hard. I have missed you these past few weeks." Clara studied her over. "You look too thin. Have you been eating?" Clara questioned her with her hands on her hips.

"Yes. I have been eating. You are as bad as my mom worrying about me eating." Luisi replied. Clara looked over and saw Amelia standing there watching the little family reunion.

"Luisi, who is the pretty girl you have brought with you?" Clara gave Luisi a little shoulder nudge.

"This is Dr. Ledesma. She is my Master's professor." Luisi introduced Amelia. Amelia reached out to take Clara's hand.

"Amelia is just fine. We can drop the doctor's part. It is a pleasure to meet you." Amelia took the soft hand in hers and shook it gently.

"The pleasure is mine as well." Clara gave Amelia a bright smile. "Now, what can I get you two?" Luisi looked at Amelia not knowing for sure what to order for her. She shrugged and said, "Two coffees?" Clara rounded the bar and began making the espresso coffee. When done she placed the coffees on the counter. Luisi handed Amelia her coffee and picked up her cup. "Let's sit." Luisi head to the only empty table. They both sat and relaxed, sipping the hot strong coffee.

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