Chapter 8. Consequences

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The rest of the weekend slipped by easily. Monday morning came through Amelia's window gently. She was content. She wrapped her arms around herself as if she were holding Luisi. She closed her eyes and remembered the boat ride and how close they were, the cold air whipping around them as they stood on the bow huddled together for warmth. She could still smell Luisi perfume. She imagined what it would have been like to have kissed Luisi.

Even in her half-dream state, she realized that this was a dangerous territory for both of them. She was her student. She had to be careful because she did not want them to suffer the consequences of them being together. Luisi did not deserve that pain. She would make sure that whatever became of the relationship she would be careful because she did not want to lose Luisi's friendship. No, she needed to make boundaries and stick to them.

Monday's class was filled with activities. She had assigned them to clean up the first part of their thesis and present it to the class. This would give each student practice when they had to formally present their thesis to the evaluation panel. It also, allowed each student to receive feedback from fellow students in order to improve. The students were excited about presenting their thesis statement, theory, and hypotheses. They had been in class with Dr. Ledesma for several weeks and loved her. Each one wanted to impress her, including Luisi. When became Luisi's turn to present, she couldn't look at Amelia. She turned slightly and faced Maria. She spoke eloquently and directly at Maria. Amelia watched Luisi with intensity. She never took her eyes off of her. The rest of the room faded into the background as Luisi spoke. Amelia wished she could make the world fade away leaving only her and Luisi, together alone.

At the end of the presentation, she fielded just a few questions from her classmate, most technical in origin. When everyone was done with their presentations, before she dismissed class, she reminded them of their midterm exam on Friday. She would be doing a review during the Wednesday class. Luisi made a beeline over to Maria.

"Hey, you want to do a study group for the midterm?" Luisi asked Maria.

"Sure, who did you have in mind?" Maria replied.

"I thought you, me, and Nieves." Luisi suggested. Maria nodded in agreement.

"When and where?" Maria asked.

"I have to work at the radio station tonight and Wednesday night. How about Tuesday and Thursday at your place?" Luisi suggested with that pleading look on her face. Maria shook her head no.

"Let's go to the student union and use one of the study rooms." Maria thought this would be a better option as there would be fewer distractions.

"Ok, fine. But you bring lunch." Luisi agreed. "I will ask Nieves. So let's say one o'clock."

"Perfect." Maria gave a clap. "So, now you need to tell every detail about Saturday." Maria walked out of the classroom into the courtyard with Luisi on her heels. Maria found an empty bench, sat in the warm sun as it was a crisp beautiful fall day.

"Maria, I don't know how to describe it. It was perfect but very nerve-racking." Luisi was animated as she spoke.

"What was the problem Luisi? Why was it nerve-racking? Didn't you have a good time.?" Maria asked letting the sun warm her up.

"Because Maria, I don't know how to act around her. One minute it is like I have known her forever and could tell her every thought and then the next in the quiet, I get so nervous. I don't know what to do." Luisi was pacing.

"Luisi, calm down. You need time to figure out what is going on. It will be alright. Have confidence in yourself, trust Amelia and just enjoy the friendship you are building." Maria advised.

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