Chapter 7. A Love Song

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Maria and Luisi arrived at Dos Reinas around 8:30 and the club was already starting to get packed. They weaved their way through the crowd and found an empty table closer to the stage than the bar. Maria was lucky and caught a server and ordered their drinks. Luisi was scanning the room.

"Looking for anyone in particular?" Maria teasingly asked.

"No. I was just seeing if I knew anyone here." Luisi retorted. The bar grew more crowded and the DJ music got lost in the noise of all the people talking. The server finally brought the drinks to the table and he sat down two for each for them. They both looked at him quizzically. He shouted over the din of the noise.

"I might be awhile before I can get back here so I brought two." He told them. Maria paid him even though Luisi protested. Luisi kept checking her watching, knowing that the night show usually started around 10pm. Maria watched her fidget in the chair and check her watch. Maria leaned over the table and had to raise her voice for Luisi to hear her.

"Luisi, calm down! If she is here, she will be out in a bit.!" Maria leaned back and watched Luisi try to relax. Luisi took a swallow of her drink and shook her hands as if trying to shake the nerves out. Maria shook her head and Luisi gave her a half grin.

As if the MC knew that Luisi could not wait any longer, he took the stage and announced the performer. The performance was by two guitar players that played both classical and flamenco music. They were amazing playing in perfect rhythm with each other. They got a rousing round of applause from the packed crowd. After a short intermission, the MC returned to the stage to announce the performance. He announced that the performer was a singer that had a voice sent from heaven. He asked for a big round of applause for Amelia Ledesma. The crowd went crazy when they heard her name. The stage went black and the music came up and the crowd went quiet. The spotlight lit up Amelia who was standing there in an off the shoulder black dress. She was gorgeous and there was an audial gasp that came from the direction of Maria and Luisi's table. Amelia began to sing. Her voice filled the room as she sang Billie Eilish's I Love You. Luisi sat mesmerized as the rest of the room faded away. Amelia stood on the stage and began the first stanza of the song.

It's not true

Tell me I've been lied to

Crying isn't like you

What the hell did I do

Never been the type to

Let someone see right through.

Amelia walked off the stage weaving through the crowd. She found herself standing in front of Luisi. She sang directly to Luisi.

Maybe won't you take it back

Say you were trying to make me laugh

And nothing changed today

You didn't mean to say 'I love you"

I love you and I don't want to.

Amelia continued to move through the crowd till she reached the stage. She found Luisi in the crowd and looked right at her. She sang the last three lines to her.

There's nothing you could say or do

I can't escape the way, I love you

I didn't want to but I love you

She watched Amelia and tears filled her eyes; Maria watched both of them when it became apparent that Amelia was singing that song for Luisi and she was feeling every word. When she finished the song, the crowd erupted in applause and called her name. Amelia stepped to the microphone thanking the audience. The music began again and Amelia sang for the next thirty minutes before her set was over. The crowd called after her as she left the stage.

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