Chapter 21 Music and London

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Over the next week Amelia was making arrangements to go to London. She had gotten another professor to take over her class while she was gone. She placed an add to sublet her apartment and made arrangements for a packing and storage company to pack her apartment and store her thing while she was gone. The record company had gotten Amelia a fully furnished apartment and arranged for Amelia to have transportation. Everything was in place. Everything but her heart. She and Luisita had many talks about the temporary separation. Luisi was adamant about Amelia going and fulfilling her dream. She reassured Amelia they would be ok.

The day before Amelia was to leave to go London, she meet Luisita for breakfast. They both hid their feelings and talked about what they were going to do during their time apart. Amelia tried to make the morning light and loving but she could see the sorrow in Luisi's eyes and it broke her heart.

Thye spent the day and night together. That night they held each other as if they were never letting go. They loved each other with passion and tenderness. They fell asleep tangled up together.

The next morning the car was waiting outside to take Amelia to the airport. Luisita begged Amelia to let her go to the airport with her but Amelia told her she didn't like those kinds of good byes. It was better that they said the goodbyes at home. Amelia picked up her suitcase, gave Luisita one last kiss good bye and closed the door behind her.

The flight to London was unbearable for Amelia but she knew she had to do this and believed that the six months would go by quickly. She had to meet with the producers the next morning to begin preparations on the album. The actual recording of the songs would not take that long but the prep work and mixing and any sound overs would take the longest.

She arrived at her new apartment. It was a modern apartment. Much different than Spanish apartments. After getting acquainted with the apartment, she called Luisita.

"Hello" Came the voice on the other end.

"Hello darling." Amelia replied.

"Amelia, it so good to hear your voice. I miss you so much." Luisi told her.

"I miss you too. I just wanted to let you know that I made here ok. The apartment is amazing." Amelia told her. "I need to go because I ma having dinner with the producers tonight because we start tomorrow."

"So soon. I will miss your voice." Luis pouted.

"I will call you later if it is still early when I get back." Amelia promised.

"Ok. I can't wait" Luisi said.

" I love you" Amelia whispered.

"And I to you" Luisi replied. They hung up, Luisi cried and Amelia stood in the middle of a cold apartment wondering what she was doing there.

The next three weeks were very busy for Amelia. She was tried when she returned to her apartment every night and the phone call with Luisi were always short. They both were suffering form homesickness for each other. Amelia was having a hard time hearing the sadness in Luisi voice. She knew what she needed to do. The next morning, she went into the executive producer's office and had a long talk with him about her situation. They came to an agreement.


A week later, Luisita came home to find Amelia sitting on her couch. Luisi couldn't believe her eyes. Amelia stood up, Luisi ran to her and Amelia wrapped her up in her arms. Amelia covered her with kisses. Once they took a break to catch their breath, Luisita jumped into investigator mode with tens of questions for Amelia. They sat on the couch.

"Breathe, Luisita, breathe." Amelia told her in an effort to get her to calm down so she could explain her unexpected visit. Luisita took a deep breath and clamed herself as well as she could.

"Why are you here?" Luisi asked. Amelia took both of her hands into hers and looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Because I could not bear to be away from you, Luisita. It is not the same without you by my side. I don't know what I was thinking that I could leave you for six months and I would be ok. But I was miserable. And it showed in my work. So, I went and talked to the executive producer and explained everything to him." Amelia paused.

"And?" Luisi was getting impatient.

"And, he was very understanding. In fact, he committed to making the record that he made some calls and now we are not recording in London." Amelia just held her eyes to hers. She could see the stream of emotions pass through them.

"Amelia, what does that mean?" Luisi was excited and confused.

"It means that we are going to record the album here, in Madrid and not in London." Amelia announced.

"Here....... in Madrid?" Luisi couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, here. So, I begin work tomorrow at the new recording studio. It will still take six months to make the album since we have to start all over again. But that is ok because I will be here with you." Amelia explained to her. Luisita leaned over and engulfed her in an strong embrace.

"Amelia, I am so happy!" Luisita told as she kissed her.

"Me too. And the good thing is that once the record is done you will graduate. And then we can do what ever we want. Love each other, live where we want, be together forever, and be free. That is my dream for us, Luisita."

"Do you think we can achieve it?"

"Yes, if we can dream it, we can make it come true. It might not be easy but we will succeed." Amelia told her with great passion and sincerity.

"Then we will take a life time to make them all come true. I promise you." Luisita kissed her again.


Over the next six months, Luisita finished school and Amelia completed her album. The record was released and the single "When we Met" started to climb the charts. On graduation day, the entire Gomez family arrived in Madrid to watch Luisa graduate. Clara Gomez threw a huge neighborhood party for the Luisita and Amelia in The Plaza de Frutos The music played as people were dancing and right there in the middle of the plaza, Amelia took Luisita into her arms and kissed here under the full moon. The dreams that Amelia and Luisita created were now in motion and at that moment they were the only two people under that moon.

"Te quiero mucho, cariño." Amelia whispered.

"Y yo a ti." Lusita said, "Para siempre"

                                                                             Fin de la historia.

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