Chapter 17. I miss you already

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Amelia woke up the next morning in a bit of bad humor. Yesterday was tense, to say the least, but it ended up working out in the end. Now, she had a hard choice to make concerning Luisita. She knew that her choice wasn't what she really wanted but she couldn't put Luisa's degree at risk. She sat on the couch, absent-mindedly flipping through a magazine as her mind and her heart fought each other. In her mind, she knew what she had to do but her heart screamed no.

The doorbell rang. Amelia sat there for a moment because she wasn't expecting anyone. Then it occurred to her that it was probably Ana. She reluctantly got up and answered the door. She opened the door to see Luisita.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" Amelia asked in surprise and with a little annoyed tone.

"Hi to you too," Luisi replied. "Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure." Amelia opened the door wider to let Luisi in. "Have a seat."

"Thanks." Luisi sat on the couch and she watched as Amelia sat in the chair  in front of her. "Why are you here Luisita?" Amelia looked at her.

"I came by because I haven't heard from you. You disappeared after class and didn't call last night or this morning." Luisi explained.

"I had a meeting after class and I just came home. I had a headache." Amelia tossing out a lame excuse.

"Oh. I'm sorry you were feeling bad yesterday. Still have a headache?" Luisi was concerned.

"No. I'm fine. What do you want, Luisita?"

"What's the matter, Amelia. Why are you being this way? Are you mad at me or am I bothering you?" Luisi was a little hurt.

"No, I am not mad at you," Amelia said flatly as she got up to take a seat on the sofa. 

"What is the problem, Amelia? I know something is not right." Luisi asked.

"Nothing, I told you." Amelia's tone was dismissive. What she really wanted was for Luisita to leave.

"Amelia, I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on." Luisi was demanding now.

"Luisita-enough! Please go." Amelia stood up. Luisi mimicked the move and now they were face to face.

"Are you kicking me out?" Luisi asked in bewilderment and the request to leave.

"No, l am asking you to leave," Amelia repeated. She walked to the door and opened it. Luisi walked to the door and stopped in the doorway, turned, and faced Amelia, "this isn't over, Amelia." She left the apartment and Amelia shut the door and leaned against. Tears streaming down her face.

Luisi ran to the Metro station to take the train to El Asturiano in the Plaza de los Frutos. On the train ride over she called Maria and asked her to meet her at the bar. Luisi arrived at the bar and went inside to find her aunt chatting with one of the customers. Once she spotted Clara she ran over to her and swallowed her up in a big hug.

"Charita, it is so good to see you! What brings you over here?" Clara asked with exuberance.

"I thought I would visit. I don't have class today. I asked Maria to come to join me for coffee as well." Luisi said as she took a seat at the bar. Clara walked around to the other side. She gave Luisi a once over.

"You have the look on your face, Luisita, now what's going on with you?" Clara inquired. Luisita's face always spoke louder than her words.

"Nothing, tia. I'm fine." Luisita tried to hide her expression.

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