Chapter 15. It's a date!

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Amelia stood next to the bed for a moment then sat down on the edge watching Luisita sleep. She gently brushed the strands of her hair from her face, let her hand gently rest on her cheek and looked at Luisi's peaceful face, and knew that there would be no other person for her in this life. She pulled the blanket up to make sure she didn't get cold. Amelia sat there for a long time just gazing at her and thinking about what kind of life they could have.

Amelia glanced at the clock and suddenly realized she had been sitting there for over an hour. She needed to get home. She adjusted the blanket one more time and kissed Luisi on the forehead and left her sleeping peacefully.

Monday morning came way too quickly. Amelia's class was subdued after the weekend. Luisi barely made eye contact with her. When Amelia looked at her, she would glance down at her notes. At the end of class, she announced that she needed to see her thesis group in her office. She dismissed the class and her three thesis students followed her to her office. She went over each student's progress on their thesis and gave instructional notes. At the end of the session, she let the students go but asked Luisi to wait a minute.

Luisi turned back and walked to Amelia's desk. She stood there as they looked at each other, Amelia had a way of looking at her that made her shiver all over. Luisi looked away and blushed. Amelia walked around her desk and stood next to her.

"What's the matter Luisi?" Amelia asked quietly.

"Nothing really. But I need to ask you about last night." Luisi said, playing with her hair.

"Nothing happened last night, Luisita. I took you home, put you to bed, and left you sleeping." Amelia explained. "Are you upset?"

"No, no, just embarrassed. I usually don't get that wasted." Luisi said looking at the floor hoping it would swallow her.

"Luisita." Amelia said, taking her hand, "here is nothing to be embarrassed about." Luisi looked up and met Amelia's eyes and as if magnets being pulled together lean in their faces grew close enough to feel the breath on her cheek. There was a loud knock on the door and Ana burst into the office. Luisi grabbed her book bag and ran out the door. Amelia Asked Ana to wait and ran after Luisi.

"Luisita, wait!" Amelia called after her. Luisi stopped and turned to face the oncoming Amelia. When Amelia finally caught up with her, she saw a mix of emotions across Luisi's face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know Ana was coming to my office." Amelia apologized.

"It's ok. I really need to go." Luisi started to leave again when Amelia reached and took her arm.

"Do you want to catch a movie tonight? They are showing ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire at the Cine Dore." Amelia smiled at her.

"I don't know, Amelia." Luisi was stalling.

"Come on Luisita. It will be fun. We can grab something to eat beforehand."

"Ok. What time?" Luisi agreed.

"I'll pick you up at seven," Amelia told her and Luisi nodded in agreement. "I need to go see what Ana needs." Amelia turned and walked down the hall back toward her office. Luisi stood watching her walk away she was excited about her pending date with Amelia.

Luisi went through her closet trying to decide on the perfect movie outfit. Maria was stretched out on her bed watching Luisi in disbelief as Luisi flung clothes out of her closet.

"Luisi, what are you doing? You picked out three nice outfits. Choose one of those." Maria suggested in an exasperated tone.

"Maria! I need the right outfit for this date, I can't look like I just walked out of a thrift store." Luisi countered in a huff. Luisi was in hyperdrive. Maria knew that when she got like this you just needed to reverse her spin.

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