Chapter 2. Too shy to say, but I hope you stay.

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A hand came out from the covers to smack the alarm for the fourth time that morning. Luisita pulled the cover off of her head and turned to look at the time, she focused on the hands of the clock, the time came into clear focus and Luisita sat bolt upright. She was late, very late. "No, no, no, no!" she wailed.

She jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She took off her pajamas and threw on the first thing she saw from her closet. She pulled her hair up into a twisted messy bun and had no time to apply any makeup. She grabbed her book bag and ran out the door slamming it behind her. She was going so fast down the stairs, jumping two steps at a time. Headed across the plaza when the neighbor's dog came out of nowhere, grabbed her book bag and took off. Luisita ran after the dog and finally caught him. Luisita was able to extract the bookbag and ran full speed to the metro. She missed the train by mere seconds. Now, she had to wait for the next train. She got off at the campus stop and ran to the communications building. She could not believe she was going to be late for the first class of her Master's program.

Luisita busted through the classroom door. Everyone in the room turned and looked at her. She gave a half-smile. She apologized profusely for being late and took the last chair right in front of her professor. 

 There, right in front of her stood her professor, looking at her with a smile and a raised eyebrow. Luisita was struck at the beauty of her professor and could not remember how to make words. Luisita could feel the blush rising from her neck. Finally, the professor broke eye contact. Luisita nervously rolled the pen in her hand as her professor spoke to her.

"I am glad you finally made it. You are?" The professor asked her.

"Luisa Gomez. But you can call me Luisita." She answered rolling the pen in her hand.

"Very well Luisita, you may call me Dr. Ledesma."

Luisita sank into her seat after receiving her course material from Dr. Ledesma. She listened as her professor explained the course objectives and the expectations. Professor Ledesma explained the master's thesis and the advisors they would have. She read off the names of her students. Then Luisita heard her name. She sat up in the seat, looked up and focused on Amelia. Luisita's heart began to race. She wasn't sure why it began to race but the thought of spending time with Dr. Ledesma was exciting and intimidating.

Amelia looked at her and smiled again. Luisita smiled back and slid back down in the seat. Luisita thought this is going to be a long sixteen months but she had to make it through as her scholarship depended on it. Dr. Ledesma began the first lecture and Luisita's mind wandered off. She knew the importance of excelling in this program. She had worked very hard to be awarded the scholarship.

Luisita entered the University as an undergraduate majoring in Communications. She had worked at two local radio stations to help pay for school. Her main job at one of the stations was doing commercial announcements which she didn't mind and she was also a radio personality that gave love advice. The irony of it was Luisita had never been in love before but that job helped pay the bills. She dated a lot but nothing ever serious. That did not stop Luisita from giving love advice and the listeners loved her. But her favorite job was working at the free radio station discussing political topics of the day. Luisa Gomez was the voice of the liberal women's movement. Her work at the radio station was so insightful, provocative and steadfast that she was nominated for the Rafael Perez Communications Scholarship and she won. Here she was sitting in her Master's class being taught by the most enchanting person she has ever met.

For the rest of the week, Luisita made sure to get up on time and not be late. It was hard for her to concentrate in class as she was so focused on Amelia. Her voice was lyrical, her perfume intoxicating and she was beautiful to look at. Luisita did manage to pay attention when called on. Amelia always made a point of walking over to Luisita whenever she had a question. Luisita had to maintain her balance in her seat and keep it cool to not be caught staring at Amelia. Amelia would always smile at her as she answered the question. Luisita wasn't sure why Amelia presence made her feel the way she did. It was confusing but Luisita couldn't help herself for being so fascinated by her.

The rest of the week went well. Amelia started the introduction part of the class. She told her students that not only were they required to do individual projects and papers but they were going to do team projects as well. She told them to pair up and that would their partner for the rest of the program. Luisi rolled her eyes and thought great, now who am I going to end up with? She scanned the room and she spotted one of the other two girls in the class. She was instantly drawn to a girl named Maria. Luisi got up and walked over to Maria.

"Hi." Luisi greeted her as she sat in the seat next to her.

"Hi" Maria replied.

"Ummm...would you like to be my class partner.?"

"Sure. Thanks for asking because I wasn't sure who to ask in the class. This will be great."

"I'm glad this worked out" Luisita said enthusiastically. "I'm Luisita" Luisi offered her for a handshake.

"Charmed. I'm Maria Hernandez." Maria shook her hand. Luisi smiled at her. Amelia watched this exchange and something in her winced. She didn't know exactly what caused that reaction but she was sure she didn't like it. She got her mind back on track telling everyone to return to their seats now that they had paired up. She watched Luisi walk back over to her seat and looked her in the eyes. Luisi reached up and played with her hair as she broke eye contact.

Amelia finished up the class by assigning their first individual papers and their first team project; there was a collective groan from the class. She chuckled at them and dismissed them. Luisi took her time collecting her things; she sat there for a moment before Amelia finally spoke to her.

"Is there something you need Luisita?" Amelia asked as she walked over to her and stood in front of her. Luisi could smell her perfume and almost fell off her chair. Luisi was a bit dumbstruck but she finally answered her.

"Uhhh no not really." Luisi stood up and swung her book bag over her shoulder.

"Ok, enjoy your weekend." Amelia smiled at her. Luisi about tripped over the chair as she tried to hurry out of the classroom. Once she got to the other side of the door she leaned against the wall to steady herself. What the hell just happened- rolled over and over in her mind. She heard the door open and she ducked around the corner in time to watch Amelia walk down the hall without being seen. Luisi's heart raced as she watched Amelia walk away.

Amelia was headed to her office to finish up some last-minute things before catching the Metro home. She planned to perform at the Los Dos Reinas on Saturday night. Her mother had called and told her that her father was going to Barcelona on a work trip. Amelia felt safe in performing knowing her father was away. She was looking forward to being back on stage and entertaining people. It was her passion.

Saturday night arrived and Amelia was ready to perform. She was dressed in a mid-length dark blue dress with a slit up the side and heels. She pulled back her hair in a loose ponytail at the base of her neck, elegant yet casual. She looked stunning. The MC announced her and Amelia walked out on stage. The music began to play and started singing a Billie Eilish's Come Out and Play. As Amelia was singing a small group of people came into the bar with a clatter, drawing attention to them.

Amelia scanned the room and then her eyes fell on a familiar face.

Luisita was standing with a group of her friends when she realized who was looking right at her. Amelia locked eyes and continued to sing right to her.

"And I know it makes you nervous
But I promise you, it's worth it
To show 'em everything you kept inside
Don't hide, don't hide
Too shy to say, but I hope you stay
Don't hide away .. Come out and play"

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