Chapter 16 How do you know?

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Several weeks had passed since their movie date. Things were going smoothly in class and they spent time together a couple of nights a week either going out to dinner, taking strolls in the park, or just spending alone time at Amelia's apartment. On weekends, Amelia would perform at Las Reinas. As usual, Luisi would drag Maria with her to watch Amelia perform. They were happy.

For Luisi school was going well and she was sure that when the end of the year came, she would earn her Masters without a problem. Amelia was very clear from the beginning that they would keep their school and personal lives separate. Amelia felt good about teaching. She sensed she made had a great connection with her students and they were performing beyond her expectations.

Amelia had just finished her set at the club. The crowd hit crazy for her. Luisi would beam at her and Maria would have her set of male suitors eying for her attention. Amelia came from the dressing room after the show and talked to several people along the way over to where Luisi and Maria were sitting.

"Hey, you two." Amelia greeted them as she took a seat next to Luisi. Amelia bumped shoulders with Luisi to make that connection with her. Luisi smiled at her so hard. She couldn't help it.

"Hey Amelia, great set tonight," Maria said as she reached over and patted Amelia's arm.

"Thanks, Maria." Amelia said and turned to Luisi, "What did you think, Luisita?"

"Amelia, you were wonderful as ever. You are such a great artist." Luis complimented her.

"Thank you, but I think you exaggerate." Amelia gave her a quick wink.

"No, Amelia, Luisi is right. You are great." Maria said in agreement.

"Well....You want to go get a late dinner?" Amelia asked them. Maria shook her no.

"You two go, I think I am going to stay here a bit longer, there is a guy that I have had my eye on since we got here." Maria was staring at her conquest.

"Are you sure you don't mind if we leave?" Luisi asked. Maria waved them off. Luisi and Amelia gathered their belongings, said their goodbyes, and waded through the crowd of people to leave the club. Once outside, Luisi said she wanted to go to the little tapas room around the corner that had become their favorite place to go after a night at the club. They took the five-minute walk to the tapas place and got a bite to eat. After the late dinner, Luisi suggested they go back to her apartment. Amelia agreed and they walked along the quiet streets unhampered to Luisi's apartment.

They were both tired and crawled into Luisi's bed and fell asleep cuddling. The next morning Amelia woke to find Luisi draped across her sound asleep. Amelia stroked her hair and just watched her sleep. In all her life Amelia had never felt so content. She could lay there all day, she needed to get home. She gently lifted Luisi's arm from her and slid out of the bed. She got dressed and quietly slipped out of the apartment.

She reached the ground level and opened the main door to the outside when she ran smack into another one of the professors at the university.

"Oh goodness, so sorry. I didn't see you." Amelia apologized. The man dressed in a suit grabbed a hold of her so she wouldn't fall from the collision. He recognized her.

"Dr. Ledesma. Are you ok?" He asked as he let go of her arms.

"Yes, I'm fine." Amelia then realized who the man was, "Oh, Dr. Martinez, I'm fine. I'm sorry I just didn't see you." Amelia apologized again.

"No worries. What brings you to this side of town so early in the morning?" He stepped back and gave her a quick look over.

"I just was dropping off something to a friend of mine." Amelia quickly came up with a plausible answer. Dr. Martinez gave her a skeptical look. Amelia was getting a little nervous about having this conversation with him.

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