Chapter 13. Was it real?

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Monday morning came too early for Luisi. She rolled out of bed and stumbled in the shower. The reality of going back to school was not welcome other than seeing Amelia. She had texted Amelia when she got home. She begged Amelia to come over and stay with her but Amelia said it was not a wise thing for them to do. Luisi wanted to argue but was too tired.

Once everyone had arrived in class, Amelia began to lecture. Luisi just stared at her, watching her every move and not paying attention. It had not escaped Amelia that Luisi was not paying attention to the lecture. Nor had it escaped Maria that Luisi looked like a star crossed fan girl. When the first break came, Maria followed Luisi out of the classroom.

"Luisi, wait!" Maria called. Luisi stopped and turned around seeing Maria scurry up to her.

"Hey!" Luisi greeted her as they hugged.

"Hey. Come on, let's go sit in the common." Maria suggested. They found a nice place to sit on the lawn in the sun to keep warm.

"So, how was the conference?" Maria was all excited to hear the details of the trip.

"Oh Maria, it was the most magical trip of my life." Luisi became starry-eyed talking about it.

"I can see that in your eyes," Maria observed. "So, did anything happen?"

"We took a walk on the beach after dinner, it was a beautiful night. The stars were out, the moon was bright and Amelia was so beautiful. Maria, she kissed me." Luisi said dreamily.

"Vaya!!!" Maria exclaimed grinning. "Well, how was it?"

"Maria, I never wanted it to stop. I have never been kissed like that before. I mean I've kissed a few people but not like that. I felt it in my soul." Luisi was amazed at how that kiss affected her.

"Then what happened? Luisi, you didn't freak out, did you?" Maria imagined Luisi going into a tailspin and making a quick exit.

"No, Maria I didn't freak out. We just stood there for a few moments holding each other looking at the moon." Luisi gazed up looking for the moon.

"Oh Luisi, that sounds so romantic." Maria got swooped up in a romantic vision. "That was a nice way to end the night."

"It was." Luisi agreed. Maria noticed that her classmates were heading back to class indicating that their break was over.

After the class was over, Luisi hung back waiting to speak to Amelia. She sat impatiently as Amelia gathered her things and started toward the door.

"Amelia," Luisi called after her. Amelia stopped and walked over to her.

"Luisita, what I have said on how to address me when we are in school.?" Amelia admonished her.

"Sorry. But this is silly. I think we have moved past the Dr. Ledesma point." Luisi was annoyed at the formality.

"Luisita, no. Here we are teacher and student, nothing more, understand." Amelia was emphatic. Luisi moved a little closer to her and Amelia instinctively moved back.

"Yes, I understand but why?" Luisi asked.

"Because this is not the place to be ourselves Luisita, I could lose everything if the school caught wind of us and you could lose your seat in the program. We have to protect ourselves." Amelia explained quietly in the fear of being overheard.

"My god, this 2018 not 1976 for Christ's sake. It doesn't matter anymore." Luisi was really annoyed now.

"True, but we live in Spain not everything or people have changed. Stop being so naïve, Luisita." Amelia was ready to let this conversation drop and leave. She had work to do.

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